Oh, And That Cabbage Was Still There Today

Look at me clean! I'm working hard, as you can see.

Well, you know... I draino-ed the bathroom sink and tub drains cuz they were all slow and full of crap, and I washed one of the walls in there as well... hey, it's a start.

So those pants I bought yesterday... yeah, they totally ripped today. Fiiiine quality. Oh well, easy fix once I have access to sewing equipment again. Also, I don't know why this wasn't a problem yesterday when I tried them on but... they are a BITCH to do up. They have those metal connector things, if you know what I mean, and... yeah, every time I had to struggle with them for, like, 5 minutes to get them done up. NOT COOL. But, you know... 15 bucks and they make my ass look nice. So whatevs.

Oh, and I bought new work shoes today... seemed like a good idea. My old work shoes were the ones I bought before my last retail job back in August 2006. They've put on a lot of miles, they've served me well, but they look butchered. And, like... I almost bought the exact same pair again today. I was looking at them... they totally made me realize what horrible shape mine are in now by comparison. Saaaad. Yeah, almost bought those ones but then I saw these... slightly less ugly and 5 bucks cheaper. Thing 1 has mocked me many times for my taste in ugly black shoes. But I'm all... they're business casual, man. That's where it's at. They're the most versatile shoes you'll ever own, your basic black business casual. You can wear them to work, to a job interview, with jeans... they go with pretty much everything. VERSATILE. Ugliness aside.

Thing 1 is forcing me to go out Saturday night for a moving away party. I already told her SO MANY TIMES that I do not want to... mainly because that means one less night that I can spend packing and cleaning. So, like, now I have tonight, tomorrow morning, and some of tomorrow evening after I'm off. I might not be done. Actually... packing is pretty much done, it's just stuff that I still need and a few little odds and ends that still need to be dealt with. Mostly it's like, you know... cleaning. And lots of it.

Work today was kinda brutal. But I guess I was only screamed at by one person, so it could have been worse. Actually, wait... 2 people. I almost forgot about that second one. Gah. So, yeah. Whatever. And tomorrow I have a long-assed shift... my longest one yet. I'm not looking forward to that. They asked me to stay longer today and I was all like "Hellz to the no." Can't handle it.

I want my mom to come on MSN so I can talk to her, then get started on laundry. I'm kinda running out of underwear. This is a situation no one wants to be in.

So Capital City Guy just got a job that pays in excess of $40,000 a year. Cha-ching! I was just talking to him... I am so So SO going down there to visit him soon. He will take me out for fancy dinners, he told me so. And hey, now with 345 Guy out of the picture... him and I can have hot hot sex without any guilt on my part. SCORE!!! Like, today at work inbetween craziness, I was thinking... how many of my top 5 hottest sexual experiences have involved Capital City Guy? Like... all 5? Pretty much, yeah.

Oh, and 345 Guy... talking to him last night on MSN. I think he thinks I took the "break up" harder than I actually did. I mean... I felt burned by it, and disappointed that I no longer have a reason to travel across the country, but other than that... meh. I think I liked the idea of 345 Guy more than I actually liked him. Because he's a goddamn spaz.

Enough of me. Latah!

2007-12-06 at 6:42 p.m.