Wow, This Is Happening

Hello from Nutty McShitville where I'm experiencing something that I never experienced when I lived here before... an internet connection in my bedroom! SCORE! Stoked. Stoked about this.

Anyways... last night was my going away party. It was okay. I drank a lot but didn't get drunk... crashed at Thing 1's place for a while, then walked back to the apartment at about 7:30 where I had a quick nap then proceeded to freak out all over the place. By the time my mom got there I had worked my way up to quite the tizzy. I cried. I was just so frustrated. I didn't have everything packed and I didn't have much clean and... oh, it was bad. I'm almost definitely going down there Friday after work and spending the night... then HOPEFULLY on Saturday we can move the rest of my stuff up here... we'll see what happens, though.

Um... aw man, I'm so stoked about my new phone number. I managed to score one where the last 4 digits have a personal significance to me, and not in a pin number kind of way or anything like that, so I already have it memorized. Unlike my Cracktown phone number, that took me months. Only thing was I didn't get the first 3 digits that I wanted. But I got my second choice.

Um... went to my new work's Christmas party tonight. I totally pulled a muscle during the limbo contest. Would have been worth it if I had won, but I didn't. I didn't win a damn thing. And they had some good prizes going on there too. One of the management people won both a digital camera (which I REALLY wanted) and a DVD player. RIGGED! RIGGED! And my mom won a back massager. The whole thing was okay times, but nothing special.

I work Monday to Friday this week. For some reason when my mom gave me my schedule, I missed the Friday part. So I'm all "Daaaaaamn." Because I just worked 4 days. I had today off, but it really wasn't a day off at all, I had so much shit to do. Then I work 5 days. It's kinda brutal.

So I'm just winding down right now. Fun times, fun times. And... yeah. That's basically it.

2007-12-09 at 10:29 p.m.