I'm Glad They Realized These Women Are Not Worth Paying For...

So I went out last night with Angry Girl. It was actually pretty good times. I was getting annoyed sitting at home waiting for her, so I just took the bus downtown and hung out at the strip bar by myself for a little while. That felt weeeeeird, lemme tell you what. Although apparently they don't charge cover on weekends anymore, which is coo'. So I decided to have two beers instead of one because of that.

You know... every stripper at that place is the same. Exact same routine. If I was more confident, I could be a goddamn stripper. I'd be just as good if not better than those women.

Anyways, after being at the strip bar for a bit, I suggested we go to the gay bar because Angry Girl was all itchin' to dance and I kinda was too, for some reason. And... yeah. I guess I haven't been to the gay bar in a while... it apparently actually is a gay bar now. Ha. So many lesbians there last night. Like... times before, there'd maybe be 1 lesbian and a handful of gays guys there... and everyone else was just straight. But, I mean... it's cool, it was just a little surprising.

So Angry Girl and I danced together and it was almost like old times when we'd get hammered and dance and make out constantly. The only difference being we weren't hammered and we didn't make out. However, we danced the night away. There was some somewhat dirty dancing going on with us at times too. We're still the greatest faux-lesbian couple ever. And she wants to go out dancing again Sunday night, at the Bar That I Hate (that I don't actually hate... but you know, it's what it's become known as now). So... yeah. As long as we can score a ride to and from there, since it's Sunday and the buses stop running at 6:30, that'll be all good.

And, um... some more emotional times with 345 Guy last night... he seemed to be having issues that I was going to a strip bar. "Men will be hitting on you!" First of all... I have NEVER been hit on at the strip bar. NEVER. And I told him that, men don't go to strip bars to hit on women, they go there to watch strippers. It's so true. In that environment, men don't notice anything that's not happening up on stage. Cuz, like, even inbetween the strippers, they're showing sports up there. All the guys are occupied. I was just sitting there, sucking back a beer, laughing at the drunkards with Angry Girl, and getting annoyed whenever someone stood in the way, blocking my view. Haha, one time when that happened, it was a couple of cops. I have no idea why the cops were there.

And I told 345 Guy that I will come visit him for his birthday at the end of January. I haven't, like, gone as far as booking the tickets or anything like this, but I'm pretty convinced this is going to happen. So he's all excited. The only thing that kinda bothers me is... he still lives with his parents. Awwwkwarrrrd. But he's all like "Don't worry, they'll love you since you're just like me." Doesn't really make me feel any better. It would be a trillion times better if he could come visit me but he can't, cuz he starts school in January. So... yeah. But I want to see this guy. And the Gods have spoken, I HAVE to see him.

So... stuff and things. Dunno what I'm doing today... nothing exciting, at least, until about 4:00 when 345 Guy will be getting home from work. So I'm basically just gonna find something to occupy my time with until then. Well... I do need some groceries. That'll blow half an hour or so. Actually, no... it's Saturday. That'll blow about an hour. It's freakin' crazy on weekends. And... yeah. I need to have a shower and get dressed now.

2007-11-17 at 9:35 a.m.