It Hurts, Man. Jeez.

So Norton just decided this morning that it was expired. No warning, no nothing. Just BOOM! Your computer is unprotected. So I had to shell out 50 goddamn dollars to renew it. Not happy.

Um... work today was okay. You know, once I finally got there. I started at 3:00, man. That's, like, an entire day before going to work. It kinda blew. I should have at least tried to get something accomplished during that time. But other than me making a doctor's appointment, doing a little bit of grocery shopping, and deciding to walk to work to get a little exercise... yeah, it was a wasted day.

And aw man, my doctor's appointment is tomorrow morning. I'll have to get up earlier than I want to. I haven't been downtown in forever, though! Holy crap, it's been weeks!! I might have to savour the moment.

Angry Girl wants me to go see strippers with her tomorrow night. I don't really want to, though. Nothing appeals to me anymore. I haven't gone out in weeks, and I seriously don't miss it. So, I dunno. Maybe I'll go for a while, and catch the last bus home kinda thing.

I'm in kind of a weird mood right now. I just had a very emotional discussion with 345 Guy that has left me feeling kind of... I dunno. Frustrated, I guess. Our situation really kind of fuckin' sucks, and I wish he wasn't so damn far away. He's clearly worried I'm going to find some other guy. I mean, he came right out and said that tonight. Makes me feel bad. Makes me feel bad that he feels like he needs to worry about that. I mean... seriously, the thought of even being with Capital City Guy appeals to me less and less as I get closer and closer with 345 Guy. And, like, Guy, out of no where, asked me to come over tonight and I honestly found myself saying "I have a boyfriend now." Which is kind of ridiculous. But, like... it feels like he is. We've got this huge very emotional very close relationship going on, we talk for hours every single day... I'm closer to him than I've ever been to any guy ever. And tonight he just seemed so sad that I seriously just feel angry that I can't really be there for him. That I can't hug him and kiss him and tell him everything is going to be okay. And I seriously feel like I need to go cry now.

Anyways... if I expect to be able to drag my carcass out of bed tomorrow to make it for my appointment, I better head to bed.

2007-11-15 at 11:20 p.m.