I'd Like Money Please, Thank You

Today was kind of a weird day. Well like, first of all... I get up, I'm all sleepy, I go on MSN, and in my groggy-ness manage to get myself a virus. A very obvious one at that. One that spreads itself through MSN, everytime you sign on or someone else signs on you end up sending them a message saying "Is it okay if I put this picture of you on my homepage?" and a zip file. And someone who I immediately should have realized there's no way they'd have a picture of me sent that to me but, in my sleep-deprived state, I downloaded it and tried to open it and... yeah.

However, that ended up being an interesting way to get people who haven't talked to me in a while talking to me. "What the fuck is this?" Haha. It's funny now, mainly because Norton EVENTUALLY found the damn thing and got rid of it.

Then I was walking around the mall before work, because the bus didn't cooperate very well this morning and when I walked by the store I had an interview at a couple weeks ago, the manager there called me over... "Hey, you still looking for a job?" This other store, that I already knew was hiring and have no desire to work at, is apparently DESPERATE for some full-time staff and she said that she was going to call me today to tell me about it. I don't want to work there, cuz they're just, like, not the kind of store I want to work at but... I dunno, I might go in there, talk to the manager. Especially if I say something like "[Manager] from [store that didn't hire me] says you're looking for people, she recommended I come talk to you." Foot in the door, that whole thing. I was thinking if I decide to try for it, they decide they want me, AND they're willing to work around my schedule at the job I already have... hell, I might end up working 60 hour work weeks but... cha-ching. 345 Guy, here I come!

Oh and, yeah, I don't want to quit the job I already have. Why, you ask? Well, as far as retail goes, it's pretty close to what I want to be doing. Also, you know... the discount. I just don't want to quit that job.

HOWEVER, schedule for next week is up... a whopping 17 hours. I have... aw jeez, I don't feel like fishing the schedule out again, but I have at least 4, possibly 5 days off after tomorrow. Um... yeah. I'm sure it won't be hard as hell to go back after that.

Oh, and you know what else happened today? I was in the staff room just before my shift started and... I totally cut the dickens out of my pinky on my locker somehow. It bled like a sonuvabitch, and it just wouldn't stop. Not a good start.

Shift went fine, though. You know. For the most part.

Um... yeah, then got home from work and 345 Guy and the Supreme Hottie McHotterson had sabotaged my wall on Facebook, just because I made a comment on 345 Guy's wall that there was too much sports talk going on there. So the two of them started having a discussion about sports on my wall. It was really quite hilarious.

And, of course, I talked with 345 Guy all evening. We were on the phone for part of it, now we're back on MSN. Good times, good times. He's so great. We started talking about more really personal stuff, like I told him how I'm on anti-depressants and I get panic attacks and all that. And he was all like "Whoa. You don't seem like the kind of person who'd be on anti-depressants" and I was like "Yeah. That's because I'm on them." Which is true.

And... yeah. That's all I have to say. Work a late shift tomorrow, my first closing shift... whoopie and all that.

2007-11-14 at 11:30 p.m.