
I got home last night but I really didn't feel like writing.

Still don't.

But I will.

Um... trip to my parents' house was fine... same as every other trip, though. You've heard it a million times.

Angry Girl and I are on speaking terms again. She left me a PATHETIC sounding voicemail on Friday afternoon, and I called her back last night after I got home. She's all wanting to be friends, and I'm all not wanting to be friends, but I didn't want to be mean to her, so I was just like "Yeah, okay. Yay friends!" Ugh.

Thing 1 appears to be getting shitfaced EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK. "Well, there's nothing else to do here!" Oh, there's always something else to do...

I start the new job today. I'm nervous as hell. I also don't feel well because of my little monthly visitor (but at least it came! Dodged another bullet there. I hope I've officially learned my lesson now) so I'm feeling all crampy and tired and emotional. It's not good.

I wish 345 Guy was on MSN right now... I could really talk to him. He's at work, though. Although we just talked for 4 hours last night. It would make me feel better, though. I seriously just feel like crying right now. I think maybe life, once again, is getting to be too much for me to handle. At least today. Well, I'll blame the hormones.

So I've decided that next time I'm with Capital City Guy (which should be soon... he sent me a message on Facebook on the weekend saying that if it weren't for the fact that I was in Nutty McShitville, he'd be asking me to come down and see him in Capital City)... I'm going to tell him about 345 Guy. Before it gets too far, just be like "I'm having a relationship of an emotional, even if it's not physical, kind with this guy... you need to be okay with this." I don't know if he would be. But I think it's something that should be discussed sooner rather than later. Because, like... I want both of them. But for different reasons. Oh, complicatedness.

However, that being said, 345 Guy will not know about Capital City Guy... he'd flip out for sure. I mean, I want to tell 345 Guy to just go out and get laid, it would actually make me feel better, but I don't know if he could just go and do that. Also he'd probably be offended if I ever said such a thing.

Know who pisses me off? Who, every time I catch a glimpse of her I just want to run over and beat the shit outta her? Squinty's cousin. I barely know her, really (although I've spent a lot of time at her house while she wasn't there...) but... man, just something about her lately. I see her every time I go to the Good Mall, since she works/possibly lives there. She's just so tacky looking. I'm sure she thinks she's being cutting edge and alternative, though. I hate people like that. You're not making a statement. Then I saw some pictures of her on Facebook that make me want to kick the shit out of her even more. Like... this has nothing to do with Squinty at all, even if she wasn't related to him and I just saw her around the mall I'd just want to beat her up. Seriously. Just something about certain people... Also the fact that I do kind of know her, and she's a little bitch. That isn't helping these feelings any.

Oh, and did I ever talk about how Squinty and Squinty's roommate, just to add to the FUCKED UP-NESS of it all, may possibly be cousins as well? Oh, that's something for another entry, though. Or not. You know, we'll see. I am actually quite successfully moving on from Squinty... basically the only time I think of him is when I get the urge to beat up his cousin.

Anyways, I'm going to take a shower now. Then eventually go get dressed, get ready for WORK. Aw man, it's been a while... like, almost two months... Oh, but it was a good two months. It was a two month break I needed.

2007-11-12 at 10:04 a.m.