Settling For Less... AGAIN!!!!!

So that job interview I had today? I got the job. Not only that, it had been decided that I had the job even before I went in for the interview. So the "interview" was basically just them saying "You start next week." Ha.

The only thing I'm not happy with (well, despite this being my 3rd consecutive Christmas in retail) is the money. But I wasn't going to argue with them right off the bat. It's the same wage that I started my last retail job at, and therefore 27 cents an hour less than I ended that job at. And 50 cents an hour less than my last job. But you know what? You know what? If there's less bullshit at this job, I won't care. My commute is already shorter, of which I'm glad. But, yeah, as long as this job has less crap attached to it, I will happily take the cut in pay in exchange for a smidgeon of sanity.

And after this job interview, I don't know why, but I found myself at my old store. I've had major panic attacks just at the thought of going in there for the past little while but today I just walked right in. Chatted briefly with a few former co-workers. It wasn't bad. But at the same time, after about 10 minutes in there I was like "Okay... time to leave now."

Oh, semi-ugliness with 345 Guy last night. We were chatting and, without really thinking, I said something that strongly implied that I had sex earlier that day. And he, um... did not handle it well. And I DID NOT want a repeat of Washington Boy so I was all freaking out and backtracking and saying "I didn't say anything" and... oh, it was ugly. I think we got over it, though. I think I saved my ass on that one. In a way, I wanted to tell him how silly he's being, remind him that he lives several thousand kilometres away, and that we won't even see eachother until next year sometime at the earliest but... oh, I don't know. The guy likes me, and we're so alike it's not even funny. I just don't know what to do. Because Capital City Guy and I have already discussed that we have the potential of becoming serious, and, well... he's equally as amazing, just in a different way. And he lives slightly closer.

I'm sure this will all be very ugly later.

So I didn't mention that apparently, according to Capital City Guy, I have the exact same nose and lips as some porn star. I can't remember the name, I'll have to ask him again. And he was all like "Don't take offense that I basically just said you look like a porn star." And I'm like "What, are you kidding? It's a compliment." I mean, in that way it is. Porn stars tend to be quite pretty. Once people start saying I dress like a porn star or I act like a porn star, I'll start being offended.

Oh, and Capital City Guy also, a couple times, said what I consider to be the most addorable thing anyone has said to me: "Oh, you're just so full of cute." Tee hee. I thought that was adorable. And one of the times he said "You're so full of sex and cute" which was also, you know, good and adorable. Much like him.

ANYHOOS... Emu needs groceries. Emu has none. Emu will go get some now. Emu out.

2007-11-08 at 3:08 p.m.