Thank You OKCupid!

So I have something to report. There is only one man in this world. And that man is... Capital City Guy.

So we agreed to meet up at the Not So Good Mall in the food court, just because it was an easy place for both of us to get to. And, yeah, when I first saw him... the camera apparently really likes that guy, because he looked about 17,000 times dorkier in person. Like, at first from the pictures I thought he gave off a very dorky hot vibe, much like Squinty... and Squinty will forever be what I compare other guys too. But in person Capital City Guy is dorky more in a Napoleon Dynamite kind of way.

And then he wanted to check out the comic book store there, and then he started talking to me about how cool Dungeons and Dragons is and I was just like "Oh god. This guy is not for real."

Anyways, after that we ended up going for a walk, then coming back to my place to watch a movie. AND... well, this was not planned at all but... we ended up missing most of the movie. And, like, this guy is amazing in every sense of the word. I mean, apart from his sexual skills, he ended up being extremely funny, kind, amazing, cool, wonderful, and great. However, he is the only guy on this planet, in my opinion, who actually looks hotter without glasses on. Like, normally I'm all about the glasses. But this guy, when he takes them off... he does become quite hot.

So we had planned on actually going out for a proper dinner and drinks and all this, but after our little romp in the sack and us lying there cuddling and talking for literally 2 hours afterwards, we were both just kinda like "Meh." Too much effort, and too much time spent in a place where us being all over eachother would be frowned upon. So instead we went to my local pizza place, ordered a pizza, then walked to my local liquor store to pick up some beerz while we were waiting. Then we came back here and ate and drank and made out A LOT and watched videos on YouTube (hense why my loveseat is now infront of my computer... it's an interesting setup, however I will be moving it back to its proper spot shortly) and eventually ended up back in bed.

Like... we ended up having sex a total of 3 times, and it was, hands down, the best sex of my life. That boy, despite the fact that he very well looks like he could be a 25 year old virgin, knows how to work it. And he's just, like, insanely affectionate. It was... it was just so nice.

Then this morning we had sex for the third time there, then laid in bed eating cold pizza. It was fun. He just left about half an hour ago. And I think we're better people for this whole experience.

We will be seeing eachother again. Oh yes. We will be seeing eachother again.

And, um... yes. Anyways, I should shower now. And I should make some kind of attempt to apply for jobs. Maybe try to catch a nap. I dunno. But... WOW! This was all kinds of successful. Considering we had an awkward start there... ALL KINDS OF SUCCESSFUL. Emu is pleased.

2007-11-06 at 11:15 a.m.