What's That Noise?

Ha. I totally forgot about the time change until about 3:00 this morning. I was having all these dreams about clocks and, yeah, I seriously woke up, bolted upright, and exclaimed "Fuck! I didn't change my clocks!" Then I ran around my apartment like a crazy person changing them all. I have a lot of clocks around here, I'm quite obsessed with time. Like, no normal person who had nowhere to be the next morning would have freaked out about that as much as I did. But... as I'm sure you've noticed, I'm not normal.

So after I recovered from that I went back to sleep for a while. Then when I got up I was feeling pretty good, so I decided to go for a walk. On my walk I started to feel really burnt out and sick... damn this cold... so I decided to wait for the next bus to go by where I was. However, the bus that went by there is the one that doesn't go near where I live, so I ended up at the Good Mall. So I was just gonna transfer there to the bus that would get me home EXCEPT I was on auto pilot, because I was just so out of it, and I wandered into the mall instead. And missed the bus. So I had to wait an hour and a half, because of the damn stupid Sunday bus schedule that sucks ass, for the next bus home. What a brilliant human being I am.

Oh, and I saw Bam in his new environment. It wasn't as hilarious as I thought it would be, but I still giggled. I keep forgetting how damn small that guy is.

Then when it was finally about time to catch the bus, I was standing there waiting and... good god, does anyone remember Bus Stop Boy? He came up to me... "Oh hey! You used to work at Starbucks!" "Haha. Um... no." "Oh. Well... I know you from somewhere!" "Yeah, probably." "Oh. Maybe I met you at the dollar store." "I don't think so." I didn't feel like telling him where he knew me from. Because I shouldn't remember. But yet I do.

I have a date tomorrow! Do you?!?! o_O Anyways... yeah. I dunno how to feel about this... I'm sure I'll end up hating the guy. It's good for me to have a negative attitude going into it, it makes the soul crushing disappointment later on that much easier to handle.

Apparently none of the girls where Thing 1 now lives/works like her. I find this funny... and not terribly surprising.

If I had any ambition whatsoever, I'd work on cleaning up my apartment a little bit before I went to bed. I had a damn nap this evening, I shouldn't be as tired as I am.

Know what I'm never buying again? Those damn cookies from the bakery at that damn grocery store. Far far FAR TOO TASTY. And therefore difficult for me to resist. Yeah, I ate way too many of those today. But at least they're all gone now. And I'm not buying more.

I really think I need to go to bed. Ugh. Meanwhile nothing continues to get done. Well... Capital City Guy is supposed to be calling me at about 10:30 tomorrow morning and we're probably not meeting up until the mid to late afternoon, at the earliest, so... hopefully I'll be inspired enough to clean during that time as something to keep me occupied so I don't go insane waiting. My apartment is officially gross, y'all.

2007-11-04 at 9:28 p.m.