I seem to have found myself feeling sick again. Coughed up a couple lungs today. But that's okay, having lungs is entirely optional. They're just taking up space and adding extra weight.

Speaking of which, I put on a pair of pants today that I haven't worn in approximately 2 months, and I almost cried. I WAS A SIZE 5. Now, apparently I'm a size 8. Because, yeah, these were my big pants that I'd always have to wear a belt with. But today I went sans belt and they didn't fall down like they were prone to doing before.

So I had to go out and buy cookies and chips and sit there and eat most of them. Because, yeah, that's going to make things better.

Thing 1 text messaged me this morning. She said that last night she got more drunk than I did last Saturday night, which I didn't even know was possible without certain death, and fucked some guy she works with. Old me would be all like "Dammit, where's my random lay?!" But new me is all like "Meh." Besides, I think having sex with someone you work with would be weeeeird.

So, how much am I in love with 345 Guy? Let me count the ways. He's so angry at the world. I like that. Because I'm equally as angry. We've gone on some outrageous rants now. He's so cool.

And, yeah, Capital City Guy... so stoked to meet up with him on Monday. SO. STOKED.

Texty called me, I didn't answer, and he left the most PATHETIC sounding voicemail: "Hi. Just called to see if you wanted to chat. But if you're busy... or sleeping... that's okay. Bye." He sounded very uncharacteristically sober. Normally his voicemails are more like "HEY BABY, WHAT'S UP!? I WANNA FUCK YOU SOOOO BAD." I'm not even kidding. But I'll just blame that on the boozahol. Or, you know, the coke.

*shudder* I really hate people who do coke, by the way. I just needed that one time in that room where everyone was doing coke except me, oh and of course all the times I had to deal with Thing 1 while she was coked up, to realize that coke is just really really something that I do not enjoy what it does to people.

But Scarface is still a totally totally cool movie.

Does anyone know who called me yesterday afternoon at about 2:30 that I talked to for 2 minutes? I was just staring at that number in my received calls list. I do not remember this. It was a Cracktown number. It wasn't a potential employer or anything. It wasn't a friend of mine, because all their numbers are already in my phone. I DO NOT REMEMBER WHO IT WAS. And it's pissing me off. I tried looking it up in the reverse phone book, but it wasn't in there. I'm so irritated at this. My memory has gone to shit.

Oh, so, yeah, Polyamorous Guy called me today. He was gonna call me when he was at the place to pick me up near the Big City. And I was all like "Oh. Sorry. I'm still in Cracktown, I'm sick. I can't come." I'm a bitch, I know. But, you know... meeting people on the internet, you're running a big risk that they're either going to be a freak or they're going to stand you up. I, in this case, was the latter. And I honestly believe that this guy was going to be the former.

Okay, bedtime.

2007-11-03 at 10:58 p.m.