New Improved Emu: Now With Restraint And Common Sense!

So this guy in a polyamorous relationship that I met on the internet from the States is gonna be in the Big City tomorrow and he said if I go over there to see him, he'd reimburse me the cost for getting there. And I was all "Okay." But now I'm all "No way in hell." Like, we were talking today and he was explaining all these polyamory rules to me and how he'd really like it if I sent a message to his "primary" to tell her that I was going to see him, even though she knows this already, and he was just saying all this stuff and it's like "Um... yeah, I don't think I want to get involved." Nothing against polyamory... I'm sure it's a wonderful thing or whatever, but... yeah. I'm just gonna blow this guy off, me thinks.

Also, new improved Emu just doesn't do stupid shit like that anymore. And last Saturday night really scared me straight, I think. I really... I don't really want to drink anymore. Not to the degree that I have been, at least. And I don't want to fuck around anymore, for reals.

I'm still gonna go out with that guy on Monday night, though... that guy from Capital City. Capital City Guy, I'll call him. Go out for a couple drinks or whatever... should be fine.

Talked to that guy from grades 3 through 5 today (from here on known as 345 Guy [Jeez, I already need to update my cast list now... I'll do that later]) and... yeah. He's so damn cool. So dorky cool. Grew up to be such a good looking man, though. He was best friends, and is apparently still really good friends, with the supreme Hottie McHotterson from grades 4 and 5 that I discovered on Facebook a little while ago. Shiiiit, THAT GUY grew up NIIIIIIICE. Anyways, 345 Guy was telling me today that him and the Supreme Hottie McHotterson were talking about me and I was all "Oh? And what did the two of you say?" Tee hee. Apparently the Supreme Hottie McHotterson just remembers me as being really really shy. Everyone remembers different things, man. Like, 345 Guy didn't seem to remember that I was really shy. But then I didn't remember that he was really shy... even though he said he was, I definitely don't remember him being that way. Eh, whatevs.

I feel all nostalgic for my elementary school days now. And if I could go back in time, I'd head on back to September 1993 and tell my 8 year old self to pay more attention to the boy who would grow up to be 345 Guy. And damn, those were the days. Grade 3, baby. Grade 3, that's where it was at.

I went over to Mouth's house this evening. We just hung out, ate, watched TV... good times, good times. She's a cool person.

Thing 1 called me tonight all drunk... she's not doing as well with her sobriety as I am. But then again... she did just basically move to a party town. She was just all "I miss you! I want to come home! I've cried so much. I love you, sweetie!" So drunk. But I know she still means it.

Anyways... I would like to go to bed and read for a while please and thank you. I will do that now. I bid you... adieu.

2007-11-02 at 10:59 p.m.