Little Boys Grow Up To Be Big Men

I seem to have developed a serious sleeping problem. Like, for a while there my problem was that I slept too much. Now my problem is that I can't sleep at all.

Emu just has the best life EVER.

Oh, but you know what I did yesterday afternoon? Went all Friend Request Crazy on Facebook, all these obscure names that I somewhat recognized, people who probably do not remember me at all. Now I'm all like "Why did I do that? I do not care about these people." But whatever.

Anyways, though, one of the people I added... a classmate from grade 3 through grade 5. This kid who, despite 3 years of schooling together, I don't reeeeally remember all that well, other than that he was super smart, super athletic, super tiny, and my "boyfriend" in grade 3 "dumped" me because he thought I liked him. Anyways, I added him... then he added me on MSN in an attempt to try and figure out who the hell I am... it doesn't much help things that a lot of the people I added yesterday knew me from when I got called by my middle name instead of my first, so of course they're not going to recognize my name. So anyways, once I explained that to him, he was all like "Oooooh yeah!" Then he remembered me. And it's hilarious the things people remember about eachother. He was all like "You were really tall. And you were good at math. And you didn't like gym." Haha, yep. That was me. Except he referred to me as being a giant, actually. Well, I was freakishly tall back then, yeah. Especially compared to little tiny him.

Anyways, he's grown up to be a straping young man, and I'm no longer considered to be a giant by society's standards and, um... yeah. After that we ended up having a ridiculously long MSN conversation, followed by a ridiculously long phone conversation, followed by another ridiculously long MSN conversation. We, um... hit it off, you may say. I'm kind of impressed.

And this guy I met off of OKCupid... talked to him a lot last night too. He lives in Capital City, but he's gonna be in Cracktown next week because he has family here and he wants to take me out on a date. An honest to goodness date. I was, like, immediately impressed.

And sometimes it just feels like God is all like "You're upset about a couple guys... so I'm gonna throw a couple more at you right now to make you feel better. But, of course, you're going to end up getting all upset about these guys later on, because that's how I roll." Thanks, God. But it's always fun while it lasts.

I am kinda not feeling as upset about Washington Boy now... by the way, did that sound as ridiculous to you all as it did to me just now when I re-read it? What a freak I am. However, it is his birthday today, little mofo is 21 (I know, eh? A younger guy, what was I thinking?) so maybe I'll hop back onto Facebook, wish him a good one, then, um... move the fuck on.

My mom once again let me order a pizza that she'd pay for. And, um... it's all gone now. I polished off a large pizza all by myself in an embarassingly short period of time. And now I'm all sad, because I have no more pizza. But, much like my mens... fun while it lasted.

Now I think I must have that shower I meant to have last night, but didn't because I was too busy talking to the mens, and then perhaps attempt sleeping again. I usually fall asleep pretty easily after a shower.

2007-11-02 at 3:55 a.m.