I'M NEVER DRINKING AGAIN!!!.... Until Tomorrow Night

I let Thing 1 talk me into going out last night... she was all "This is going to be the last chance you and I have to go out just the two of us!" So I rose from my coma.

Probably shouldn't have.

You know... I love Thing 1. She's beautiful. However, in my drunkenness last night I ended up sending her a text message saying "You know, I can't wait til you leave because then maybe guys will start thinking I'm hot." The only guy EVER who, when faced with the two of us at the same time, chose me over her was Squinty. GIVES ME ISSUES. I know I'm nothin' to sneeze at, and I do pretty well when she's not with me, but... oh, I dunno. She gives me issues.

Not that the guy she was making out with was the least bit interesting. But most aren't.

Anyways, we started the evening at the "gay bar". It sucked worse than it ever had. They had some shit DJ doing his thing with shit music, and absolutely NO ONE was dancing. I've never seen NO ONE dance there before. So we had one drink then left.

Then we went to the bar that I hate... not that I really hate it that much, I was actually the one who suggested that we go there... and it's the bar that I met Four Night Stand Guy at, so it can't be all bad, right? It was 8 bucks to get in, simply because some asshole with a digereedoo or however the hell it's spelt was playing. But then this guy who was sucking Thing 1's face all night bought the both of us some drinks so... whatever.

I don't remember leaving the bar at all. I spent the night at Thing 1's place. I woke up feeling fine. I had been awake for like an hour, we were just hanging out and then... man. Between about 10 this morning to 1 this afternoon I threw up half a dozen times. I have never been so so sick after a night of drinking. I don't know what it was. Maybe Rum & Coke is no longer the good friend I thought it was. Or maybe I shouldn't have had so many I lost count. Or maybe it was that shot of whiskey I had that I had completely forgotten about, until Thing 1 mentioned it to me. And just her mentioning it to me made me have to run off and throw up again. So... yeah. I really don't like being sick when I'm not at home... even if her place is kind of like my second home and I've thrown up there before... still. Not good.

Oh, and I got a text message this morning from the Little Chickita and in between barfing sessions I called her... she got fired from her job. She's worked there for a year, did nothing wrong... was just fired without cause. She was so upset. So she's looking into taking action, which is good. That is so ridiculous. I mean, even though it's at the Good Mall, I was actually considering applying at her store. But now... no way. Not if they do that kind of shit.

Anyways... when I finally got home this afternoon I collapsed on the floor for about an hour and a half. Now I'm finally feeling un-nauseous enough to be upright, and I'm catching up on my computer stuff. Except maybe after this I should detour to the shower before I go over to OKCupid. Ah... OKCupid. Washington boys love da Emu. I tells ya. I could get me a rich Yankee no problem.

2007-10-19 at 2:55 p.m.