God Bless Me And My Drunken Honesty

Reasons 737 through 746 why Emu-Head needs to not drink ever.


Yeah, okay, I don't even remember half the evening except for somehow it involved a phone conversation with someone, a webcam conversation with someone else, and me frolicking around my apartment with pizza. Oh, and Thing 1 fucking some guy in my living room while I was lying half in my hallway, half in my bedroom, talking on my phone with Texty and pretending like I didn't know what was going on.

I rock, man. Someone buy me another drink, because I'm obviously not through for the evening. I could get into so much more trouble.

Yeah... I talked to Squinty on the phone, I don't remember what was said because I was fucking wasted and because it was Thing 1 who originally called him but... yeah. I think he said something about having just been in a car accident... I don't frickin' know, I was drunk enough that all I could think was "Man... that guy has a hot voice." And... yeah.

So, yeah, Thing 1 and her random guy that she invited over to my place to have sex with have left now. Oh, but, apparently the sex they had on my loveseat was not good whatsoever, and they agree with this. You know, I've never had sex on that loveseat. I've had oral sex on that loveseat, but never full on sex. I'm thinking this needs to be remedied. But who do I have to call for sex right now? No one. Eggzactly.

Hey, I took an IQ test today on Facebook, one of those crazy applications, and my IQ is apparently 141. Apparently that good, if 100 is supposed to be average. I'm one of those gifted peeps, but apparently not smart enough to join Mensa. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Holy crap, Guy just started talking to me on MSN. Colour me having a heart attack from surprise. It's been, like, a month since I last talked to him.

I applied for a couple jobs today. I'll apply for a couple more tomorrow. I called a local fast food joint to see if they were hiring. I kinda want to work fast food, you know. It'll only be for, like, 6 weeks and I think it'll be good for me. Plus, maybe I could get a transfer so that I'm guaranteed a job in Nutty McShitville when I move there. It's a thought. I've never worked fast food. Maybe I need to expand my horizons. From what I understand it makes you even angrier than working in retail does.

Oh, apparently in some propaganda I just found on my desk, if I have more than two remotes I'm hired at this particular store. Well sign me the hell up. Despite my limitedness, I own 3 three remotes. I need a job. Where did that come from anyway? I don't even know. Perhaps its a sign from the heavens.

Know what I love? Know what I love? Sex, men, money, liquor, pizza. That is all.

I need to sober up now.

2007-10-10 at 12:11 a.m.