You And Me And Bottle Of Vodka Makes Three...

Slowly certain events of last night are coming back to me... certain realities are starting to sink in...

So, um... something that the more I think about it the more I'm slightly sure it happened... I'm kinda almost completely sorta sure that Thing 1 kissed me last night, multiple times. She hasn't done that before. She's usually very anti-drunken lesbian behaviour. I think her and I might have reached a whole new level of drunkeness last night. For reals.

Man, none of that conversation with Squinty is coming back to me at all, though. All I vaguely remember is something about a car accident, me bitching about that map, and me saying something like "I figured you didn't like me anymore" and him being like "No, that's not true at all." Dammit, seriously, why didn't I record that conversation? And I also deleted the majority of the text messages I sent last night so I can't even check that like I usually do the morning after to see what kind of insanity I spurted off to people. I have a feeling I sent off a "You're soooooo hot" message to Squinty. Have a feeling I texted Two Night Stand Guy as well. I know I called him, according to my call history... I don't remember that, though. And it doesn't look like I got through to him. Oh, and I think I texted Friendly Neighbourhood CD/Book Swapping Guy to apologise for being a drunken idiot.

Oh, and a message to Guy saying that Thing 1 wanted to fuck him again. Yeah okay, that just came back to me just now. Ha. Emu should not be in possession of a cell phone or a computer while under the influence. Good things do not happen.

Someone... and I don't know if it was me (pretty sure it wasn't me, though...), Thing 1, or that guy she called over here... broke my goddamn bathroom soap dispenser. It was in, like, 20 pieces sitting in my sink. What a mess. And Thing 1 broke one of my glasses... that I remember. She was all like "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" but I was just frolicking. "Oh, it's no problem!" and frolicked my way over to sweep it up.

I felt uncomfortable sitting on my loveseat today. I think it's possibly diseased now.

HAHAHAHAAH! Okay, I just remembered how Thing 1 literally ordered a pizza about 20 times. She just kept calling them. To the point where they got so pissed off that they didn't even deliver the thing. So when that guy came he ended up ordering a pizza from some other place. Hahaha. That makes me laugh.

I was surprisingly not hung over today. Just really really thirsty. Other than that, I was feeling good. So I went downtown and wandered around for a bit. Good times, good times.

I'm just wasting time, waiting for my mom to come on MSN. Guess I'll have to find something else to waste my time with now.

2007-10-10 at 6:44 p.m.