And That Dip, Perfect For The Crusts!

I love how my stats tell me that I actually got 2 hits on September 31. People even read my blog on days that don't exist, that's how kick ass I am.

Anyways... so full of pizza right now. My mom gave her blessing to order a pizza and put it on our joint Visa and she'd pay it off so... yeah, so got me a large Hawaiian. Ate two thirds of it in about 10 minutes. So could have finished it off, but decided in the end that probably wouldn't be a good idea and I'd just end up throwing it all up later. So... yes. That'll be my breakfast tomorrow.

Today was sort of a nothing day. I had big plans, but they all fell through due mainly to my lack of enthusiasm. I picked up a couple of newspapers to look for jobs, but they're all kinda like "meh". Well, there was one that I'll try for. As soon as my enthusiasm comes back. I don't even have the desire to tweak up a resume for it right now. I'm just so... blah.

Went downtown for about an hour today. Wandered around the Creepy Mall, and down by the waterfront for a bit... then I was just like "Eh, this blows" so I jumped on the next bus home. Then I was sitting at home for a few minutes when my Friendly Neighbourhood CD/Book Swapping Guy called me up and quite literally invited me over to watch paint dry. We know how to party.

Goddamn, I am just so uninspired today.

Texty should be calling me later... I think I've kind of agreed to attempt a relationship with him. I don't know why. Other than that maybe this is the best way to prove to him that we're likely not right for eachother. Or maybe this will be the way to prove to me that I was wrong. I do think he's an awfully sweet guy. We'll see, we'll see. He was all wanting to spend the weekend together but... it's Thanksgiving weekend, yo. Which blows my mind. Can someone please tell me what the hell happened to September? Anyways, yeah, since it's Thanksgiving and I'm most likely still going to be unemployed by this weekend, I've invited myself home to Nutty McShitville. So I told him that I'd be available Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday night, or any combination thereof. I told him this afternoon, though, that I couldn't do anything tonight... for reasons I'm not sure of. I'm shittin' myself if I actually think I'm going to get anything done around my apartment.

I need to do dishes, though. I have all these perfectly good cans of soup and boxes of cereal but I can't consume any of it because I'm out of clean bowls. And have been in this state for a few days now. It's sad.

So apparently Angry Girl is pissed off at Thing 1 because Thing 1 told me and that other girl we went to the bar with on Saturday night that Angry Girl doesn't like us. First of all... Angry Girl not liking this other girl is not exactly a newsflash. She has made that more than evident. Why Angry Girl doesn't like me is still a mystery, but when I'm sitting right next to Thing 1 while she's on the phone with Angry Girl who is referring to me as "that dumb bitch", it's kinda hard for her to not tell me. I wish I really knew what exactly her issue is with me. I'm not overly fond of her either, so I don't really care if she doesn't like me, it just bugs me because I don't know what exactly I've done to make her feel this way.

Holy crap, I ate too much pizza. I think I need to go lie down now.

2007-10-01 at 7:05 p.m.