I Have A Special Connection With My Living Room Floor

Yeah... my sleeping patterns are fucked up. I just had a 3 hour nap... on my living room floor, no less. And now... I just don't know what to do with myself. I want to go to bed, but I don't know if I can after that. So... an entry. For both your and my amusement.

You'll never in a million years guess what I did today. I, uh... I met Texty. Live and in person. Yeah, I've still been texting back and forth with him an insane amount. He's a carpenter and he works kind of all over the place, it seems like it, but yesterday he was working on a site downtown Cracktown and he sent me this message "Why don't you drop by?" So I did. And... yeah. After his construction buddies hooted and hollered at me from the top of this building, he came down and we chatted for a few minutes. It was crazy, finally actually meeting him. Kinda cool, though. Like... the guy comes on hella strong in text messages, slightly less strong on the phone, and really not at all in person... it was sort of sweet. He did give me a hug, though, before he left and then later sent me a text message saying that he wanted to kiss me too, but wasn't sure if that would be allowed. Awww... I respect that.

I ended up not hanging out with Thing 1 at all, despite us talking about it a whole lot. Like, we were chatting on MSN and I was about to come over, but that's when Texty sent me that message asking if I wanted to come see him, so I just told her I had some business to take care of downtown first. Then on my way home I sent her a message asking if she still wanted to do something, but she never responded so I just went home. Then she called me all like "We gotta do something, I'm just at the mall right now... I'll call you when I get home." Then she sent me a message later saying "Nevermind, I'm too tired. Some other time." And there you go. And that is why I've been in my jammies, lying on my living room floor since 4:00.

That last paragraph was not interesting. I'm not sure why I wrote it.

Still debating how, when, and in what method to tell Squinty what an asshole he is. He's jerked me around so much, I don't know why I continue crawling back to him. Other than what is essentially just a mad mad crush that I have on him, how sweet he can be on occasion, and how on my neverending quest to find an older man, he's the oldest I've found so far. Despite what Thing 1 says, I still have little doubt that what she said to him played a part in him never calling me like he said he would but... still. He should have at least called, and not left me hanging like that. And not have essentially stolen that map that I really could have used on a couple of occasions since he took it. Yeah... this really comes down more to that map than anything at this point, I will admit.

Anyways... maybe I will attempt bed now. See how that goes.

2007-09-25 at 11:54 p.m.