Sketch Sketch Sketch Sketch...

Ha. So, okay, my job interview today... I scoped out the place yesterday like I said I would... sketchy sketchy sketchy part of downtown. Which I figured, just from the street it was on. One of those streets where if you say the name, people go "Oh." And that says it all. And, yeah, the building... shady looking on the outside. Inside it's really nice, but... yeah.

Dunno if I'm feelin' this one... the job sounds interesting and the pay is somewhat incredible, though. First time I've ever interviewed for an actual salary job. So I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly how much better paying this job is than my last job. I'm thinking, though, that it's about $10,000 a year more. Criiiiiikey. We'll see, though. We'll see. Like I said, though... sketchy part of town. Not exactly easy for me to get to. And, uh... yeah, the interview went okay but not great. I felt a little bit like we were wasting eachothers' time. But whatevs.

So Thing 1 is all wanting to hang out today and... you know... I'm sick of her. Thoroughly sick of her and her shit and what a horrible human being she is, using other people to make herself feel better or just for her general amusement. I don't necessarily mean me, and I don't think she makes me feel shitty on purpose, but she does it purposely to other people and... I just don't approve. I told her I'd call her later today after I get some stuff done but... oh, the jury is still out on whether or not I will. I kind of feel like being a douchebag today, to make up for the fact that so many people have acted like that towards me lately.

But then if I don't hang out with her I'm not really sure what I will do, so... oh, we'll see.

Talked to my mother yesterday, for the first time in several days. Apparently my e-mail really scared her and she doesn't understand why I hesitated to tell her I quit my job. And, um... I dunno. Why do I do anything that I do? And my intention was not to scare her... if I wanted to scare her, I would have gone into a lot more detail about certain things. So there.

Meh. I dunno. Yesterday was an okay day. First day in a week that I didn't feel like killing myself. Progress! Success. And... yeah. Went downtown, like I said, to scope out this place... then I went to the Semi-Good Mall to pick up a few things. Then I came home and chilled out for the rest of the day. Good times, good times.

Now I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I'm tired. I don't really feel like doing anything with Thing 1 right now. So I dunno. I guess I'll just sit here for a while longer.

2007-09-25 at 11:40 a.m.