Yay For Pleasant Surprises When You're Consumed With Thoughts Of Death

So I was in a shitty horrible depressed fucking mood today. I woke up having a panic attack and that feeling wouldn't go away for a couple hours... then after that all I felt was an overwhelming feeling of despair and... well, I spent pretty much all day until the mid-afternoon in bed.

Then around 3-ish or so I decided to get up, get dressed, and paint my nails. Start getting a move on my day, start getting ready for the dreaded party this evening. Then I get this phone call... a strange number, so I almost didn't answer it... but guess who it turned out to be? Squinty, a few blocks away and calling from a payphone. He's in town for a couple days, sans cell phone, and was just like "Hey, you doin' anything? Can I come over?" So... yes. That made my day. It made my goddamn day. We talked, fooled around... it was fun. I liiiiiiiike that guy.

The only thing about him not having his cell phone, though, is that I'm at his mercy... he said he'd give me another call, but when? WHEN?! Oh, the pain. But whatever.

Okay, so the party tonight... not quite as awkward as it could have been, but still awkward. And apparently Thing 2 is also mad at Thing 1... not because she knows that she slept with Guy too, but because she knew about him and me and didn't tell her. Oh, the drama. The drama. But the party was fun because Curly Sue was there... I love her, I haven't hung out with her for a while, and the girl cracks me up like no one else can.

And now, despite the fact that I was pretty much in bed all day, I'm tired and I think I wanna go to sleep. I'm just gonna hope that Squinty didn't have plans on calling me tonight... God, I hope he calls me tomorrow. And I hope he takes me somewhere. He brought his car with him this time, he usually doesn't, and he seemed pretty set on going on a road trip. He was looking at a map that I had, and he was all like "You know... I haven't been there or there or there..." and he's all talking about housing prices and stuff around these parts... it seems like he wants to move here. He's off work for a month and on EI cuz he has a bad back or something like this, and he was like "Dammit, you know I was gonna bring some resumes with me but I completely forgot..." It might be kinda cool if he moved to these parts. But... yeah. You know, I won't sit around waiting but I do hope he calls tomorrow.

Ugh. Tired now, though. Bed time.

2007-09-22 at 9:28 p.m.