Hmmm Ummm Zzz

Apparently many people think my sleeping on the living room floor arrangement is weird. I'm still digging it, though. I plan on sleeping there again tonight. And then... well, maybe I'll move back into my room.

So the job interview today. Okay. Um... I absolutely LOVE that it would be Monday to Friday, no nights, no weekends, no stats, decent pay, and within walking distance. HOWEVER... definitely hate the sound of the rest of it. So, yeah, definitely file this one under "I could take it or leave it". Monday to Friday is my dream, afterall. I don't think the interview went all that well. But, you know, we'll see.

Oooh! Oooh! Squinty sent me a message this morning... apparently he may be in town this weekend. Which is so funny, since I'm probably going to be over there on Friday. So maybe we'll meet up over there or over here or both and good times will be had. We'll see. I had been reading our MSN conversation history, actually, right before he sent me that message and... oh, I shouldn't have done such a thing. Because I'm just smitten all over again. Damn me anyway.

Um... so after the interview I went to the Good Mall but I was immediately all like "Meh. I don't want to be here." So I took the next bus to the Semi-Good Mall and, once again, was all like "Meh. This blows." So then I took the next bus home. I'm soooo tired. I am still just so so so burnt out.

It's the drugs, man! It's the drugs.

Aaah, my recently quit job just called me. "Your final cheque is in, did you want to pick it up or would you like us to mail it?" "Um... mail it, please." Because, yeah, I don't want to go back in there. Ever. Awwwwwkward.

Angry Girl called me this morning. "Are you gonna come to my birthday? You have to come to my birthday. How come we don't hang out anymore? We need to go to the strip bar again! How come we never really have anything to say to eachother?" Oh... where to begin?

Chriiiiiiist, Thing 2 just called me. I didn't answer, though. I just don't feel like talking to people. And... yeah. I'm too tired. Too tired for people. Looks like she didn't leave a message. I'll just text her later. Even though my next phone bill is going to be ASTRONOMICAL with all the texting I've done... it still beats actually talking to people.

Anyways... enough of me.

2007-09-19 at 3:43 p.m.