Nothing Like Starting Your Morning By Crying And Throwing Up

I'm in a shitty mood. So shitty.

First of all... yesterday's shift was the absolute longest of my LIFE. Why was it so long?! It was only a 7 hour shift. Today is 8 hours, and tomorrow is 8 and a half. If today drags like yesterday did and I want to kill myself as much as I did then... oh, I'm not going to work tomorrow. No way.

Got my schedule for the next 3 weeks. I love how they said "Oh, we won't make you work every weekend" when they hired me, but yet... workin' every weekend. Except for when I was still in training, I have worked every weekend. 8:30 to 5 seems to be my special shift for Sundays. It's got my name written all over it, apparently. Ooooh, I love walking to work 6 SUNDAYS IN A ROW. And also 3 Saturdays from now... gonna be walking then too, because I start at 7. DO YOU KNOW HOW GODDAMN EARLY I'M GOING TO HAVE TO GET UP TO WALK AN HOUR AND A HALF TO WORK AND START AT 7 GODDAMN O'CLOCK IN THE GODDAMN MORNING?! I want to die.

I need a new job. Seriously and for reals. I went insane yesterday, man. I mean, at this place... no matter how long your shift is, you get a half an hour break and no coffee breaks at all. You have no say in when your break is, absolutely no idea when it's coming until a supervisor sends you a message saying "Go now". So you're fuckin' chained to this computer for soooooooo long... I mean, I've had to wait up to 5 hours into my shift for my one and only break. That's a long goddamn time to sit there and stare at a screen. Yesterday I seriously went insane. I don't know how people can handle this job for any amount of time.

I caved and started texting with Texty again yesterday during my shift. Then after I was off work he called me 5 goddamn times while I was on the phone with Thing 1. Oh, and by the way, Thing 1 can die for as much as I care. What a dumb bitch and a stupid whore.

Oh my god, seriously. Seriously seriously seriously. I cannot handle this today. I'm going to lose my mind. I'll go in, though. I'll go in and I take as much as I can but I'm not going to allow myself to get to the state that I got to yesterday. I'll fucking leave, and I won't come back. I just cannot handle this.

2007-09-15 at 6:16 a.m.