Not Crazy

So I should be doing something with... *quickly tries to come up with a nickname*... Guy tonight. Oh, my creativity is just flowing right now. Still beats "Thing 2's Ex-boyfriend", though. And it's shorter to type. But anyways, he just said that Thing 2 was on her way to his place to get him to sign some paperwork to do with the lease on the apartment they were sharing, and he'd let me know once she had been and gone. So... yes.

And, like, I tried talking to Mouth about this whole situation with him and... oh, she just doesn't get it. And she doesn't get why I go for any guy I go for. Like, she thinks that him having sex with Thing 1 that night as well should have been enough for me to just call off the whole thing. Am I the only one who thinks that if I'm not in a relationship with a guy that I shouldn't really be upset about that kind of thing? Like seriously. I had sex with another guy while I was seeing Squinty and I even told him about it and it wasn't a big deal because we weren't in a relationship. I'm not even officially no longer involved with Squinty so... there you go. If you're not in a relationship with someone, it's all fair game.

So... yes. Waiting for Guy to call me or whatever. Nothing I love more. But I do want to see him again tonight. We were chatting last night on MSN about stuff. He's really quite intense. He's been showing a really intelligent side that I hadn't realized he had.

I just found out that Edwin, my oh so beloved Edwin (well... he was beloved to me when I was 14, at least) is gonna be playing a couple concerts near here next week. One of the places he's playing is, like, a hotel in a town whose population is about 30. Remember when I Mother Earth, like, freakin' HEADLINED Edgefest about 10 years ago? Edwin has gone downhill since then, man, if that's the kind of venues he's playing now. Anyways... I kinda want to see him. But I'd kinda have to find someone who also wanted to see him and had a car. Plus... I don't even know what my schedule for next week is yet, so I very well could be working something that wouldn't coordinate with that at all. But it's just something I'm thinking about.

I went to the Not So Good Mall today out of boredom and... my god, they released the pilot episode of The Kids In The Hall on DVD. I just about wet myself. You better believe I bought that bad boy. I'd never seen the entire pilot episode before. Soooooo funny. Me like.

Back to work tomorrow. Another evening shift. It better go more smoothly than my last one, or I really will quit. I picked up a paper today, and there's 3 jobs in there that I'm gonna try for. Even if I do start liking it more, I don't want to stay there. The people who have been there for years and years are damn scary. Like there's this one woman there... she's 31, and she's been working there since she was 18. No one, and I mean NO ONE should be working at the same job they had when they were 18 when they're 31. NO ONE. Especially a job like that. Although I'm sure the technology has come a long way during that time, and that would have been interesting to see. But other than that... a solid and resounding NO to anyone working that kind of job for that long.

I hope Thing 2 doesn't take too long. Ugggh. She sent me a text message today, and when the message popped up saying I had a text from her, I just about had a heart attack. But it was just her asking what I was up to. Haha. Oh, but she'll find out eventually, though. A million trillion bucks says that Angry Girl ends up telling her.

2007-09-12 at 7:59 p.m.