Fullfilling My Duties As The Responsible Older Cousin...

So the one thing about me moving to the Big City was that I wasn't going to be here when Cousin Prissy McPriss moved here for school. But... yeah. Instead, she has been equipped with my phone number and will be arriving here in a week or so. Apparently she's quite nervous about the whole thing, and is quite likely to call me in a panic. Not that I really have anything against the girl, it's just that, for her entire life, she's kinda bugged me. But whatevs. I'll help the girl out, show her around town or whatever she needs.

Although Aunt DOS has apparently instructed my mom to instruct me not to take her to any bars. Not that Prissy is legal yet or anything. Although some of the bars do take a more relaxed attitude towards IDing people during the week... I don't know if she's too much of a goodie two-shoes to want to do such a thing, but if she wants to go to the bar I'll take her and to hell with her mother. Ha.

Work today was alright. I guess. Oh, my poor nerves though. I'm just filled with way too much anxiety. I really can't wait until I can just go in, do my job, and leave again without it affecting me in any way. That will be fantastic.

Although I don't know why I think I'll be able to achieve that state with this job... a year with my last one and I never got to that point... but whatever. A girl can hope.

My mom informed me of a BOGO half off underwear sale going on, so I went there in search of underwear and... it just wasn't happenin' for me. It was all either completely the wrong size, or those ones that come practically all the way up to your neck. Meh. Emu needs undies, though. Situation borderline on critical.

Oh, and to change the topic completely once again... I love that old-assed bus that Cracktown transit still has putt-putting around the city. It's just... oh, it's so old. And so completely not wheelchair accessible. I think it's awesome, though. Makes me smile.

2007-08-22 at 7:36 p.m.