Mmmm, Beer...

Alllllllrighty. So... they made me leave an hour and a half early today... yep yep yep. That was their own goddamn bad planning, though. They're just lucky that I'm willing to give this job a good honest try and truthfully believe that things, in the end, won't seem so much like a joke because otherwise... yeah.

And they still only giving me one shift at a time, and I asked about that today, but they said that's what they do while people are still new. However, they did say that while I'm still "training", my shifts will probably be just Monday to Friday, any hours between 9 and 5, simply because that's when there's gonna be people there to bail my ass out if I get stuck or in trouble. "So how long will I be training?" I asked. "Dunno," was their answer.

Love livin' in limbo like this, man. Ugh. I mean, I know some people don't have a problem living day by day, flying by the seat of their pants and all that but... no. I can't handle this for very long. I'm just not that kind of person. Let's hope things change soon.

I walked to work today... this was hilarious. I'm usually very very generous with the amount of time I give myself to walk somewhere, but I very much miscalculated how long this would take and... yeah, with 3 minutes until my shift was supposed to start and me still several blocks away, I had to sprint there. Which was interesting with heels on, let me tell ya, especially since I'm essentially still learning how to even walk in the things. But at least I've learned from my mistake, and will leave earlier the next time I decide to hoof it to work.

How much am I excited about my first shift until 10 or 11 at night, though? More than I thought I'd be. Enough time between work and the next bus to pop into the bar and try to convince someone to buy me a drink.

Oh, and speaking of drinks, I bought some Corona today. Because, Lord knows, with my maximum of 4 hour long shifts from now until who knows when I'm finally considered ready to graduate to the normal full days, I can afford to splurge on some over-priced imported beer. Goddamn, it's just a good thing I have money in the bank, otherwise I'd be so screwed right now. I figure, though, I'll be able to save up some money again later. And I've been wanting to buy myself some Corona for a while now. Just because I'm rather fond of the stuff.

Anyhoos, I might just have to grab me one of those right now, all this talking about it has made me quite thirsty.

2007-08-21 at 6:44 p.m.