Emu Has Calculated That It's Been Just Too Damn Long Since She Last Had Sex

*cries* I DON'T LIKE MY JOB!!!

Oh, I know that's just because I'm still a noob and everything is so strange and foreign to me. And the people there are friggin' cold. And they keep insisting on only giving me one day's schedule at a time. And they made me leave an hour early today because I finished this online tutorial quicker than they expected me to, and they were treating me like I skipped part of it or something. Ugh. I didn't like today. Today discouraged me a lot.

So, yeah, I work again tomorrow... I really do hate that, so far at least, they're only giving me one day at a time. The kind of person I am... that drives me insane. I cannot handle it. I'm trying to be flexible and understanding and all that right now, but if they do that to me again tomorrow I'm just going to be like "Look. I need to know a few more days than just tomorrow. I have a life that I'd like to be able to live and plan out."

I was talking to Thing 2 on MSN last night, talking about how Thing 1 and Angry Girl seem to hate her now, when all of a sudden, not at all shockingly, I get a call from Thing 1. "What the hell are you telling Thing 2?" Stupid junior high-ish bullshit. Thing 2 already told me, before I confirmed it, that some of her friends in the mall overheard Thing 1 and Angry Girl talking shit about her. But there was Thing 1 all accusing me of shit. And, like, even if I had been the first one to have told her... so? She deserves to know. Then Thing 1 was like "Why are you even talking to her anyway? We don't like her." Like I'm supposed to feel the same way she does. And I was like "Uh... despite your opinions, I don't actually have a problem with her." Thing 1 was quite disgusted by my attitude. But, seriously. I do not have a problem with Thing 2 anymore. She's just livin' her life. She's a sweet girl. Her being kinda whoreish is still up for debate, but you can be a whore and still be a decent human being.

I like to think so at least. Because, I'm not going to lie to you... yeah, I pretty much am going to go to the Big City to visit Squinty and his roommate when I get the chance. Because... oh, a part of me would always be like "Well... what if?" I said I'd never do such a thing, but the fact of the matter is... he's straight, she's a lesbian. He already told me in confidence that the sex the two of them have isn't all that satisfying because she's really just not into men. So... you know what that would be? Two people who are into me, and not as much into eachother. HOW FRIGGIN' EXCITING DOES THAT SOUND?!

Okay. Calm down, Emu. Calm down. I can't even plan such a thing when I don't know my work schedule in any kind of advance anyhoo. And, you know, if I do this and it's horrible... at least it was still another trip to the Big City with free accomodations, food, and alcohol. Then I don't have to see or talk to them again if I don't wanna.

2007-08-20 at 7:02 p.m.