The Worst Thing You Could Ever Say To That Type Of Person

How not impressed was my mother with my status on Facebook yesterday, stating that I didn't remember how I got home? My mom isn't even on Facebook, but my dad is and I think she logs into his account way more often than he does. She even basically said once that she keeps tabs on me and what I'm doing through Facebook. But, it's like... I don't want to have to think about "Oh, my mom is going to flip out if she reads this" for every single little thing on there. That's dumb.

Anyways. Last night I went to this exhibition thing that's going on right now, with Thing 1 and Curly Sue. It was alright times. We went on a couple rides, ate carnival food, half-assed listen to the half-assed band that was headlining there last night. Then we were waiting around for Curly Sue's sister after the concert, she was going to try and meet the band or something, and I just got tired of waiting so I walked home. Yep. And that's my story.

If it doesn't rain too much today, I wanna try going for a bike ride. I haven't ridden my bike in well over a year. Poor thing sitting on my balcony getting all rusty and old. A very delusional part of me thinks I might be able to ride my bike to and from work. But the rational part of me cannot figure out any route that wouldn't absolutely kill me. Too many hills and stupid drivers in this town. And I'm just sooo out of shape right now. It would take me forever and a day to get back to being able to handle any amount of hills on my bike. And, yeah, drivers scare me. It's possible I might be able to plan out a very complicated route that avoids the major roads as much as possible, but it would take some serious thought.

You know what I did two nights ago when I was drunk? And again last night when I wasn't drunk? Tell Thing 1 that I thought I was prettier than she is. Ha. I mean, if you really knew Thing 1, you'd know why this is such a horrible thing to do. But, like... she can be soooo cruel sometimes, you know? Like when we met Squinty at the bar and he said that he thought I was prettier than her... she just about completely lost it. She phoned up a bunch of people, asking who they thought was prettier, me or her. And she's flat out told me a few times "I think I'm way prettier than you." Great friend, eh? And, I mean... I don't think much of the way I look... but... I still just had to say it to her. Because I don't think anyone has ever said anything like that to her before, judging by her reaction at least. Good times for me.

But, of course, that old saying... it's what's on the inside that counts. And in that case, we're both very ugly people.

Well... the day is here. I want to get some food into my belly.

2007-08-19 at 10:30 a.m.