I Got Mah New Shoes On

YOU BETTER BELIEVE I ONLY HAVE ONE DAY LEFT IN THAT HELLHOLE, BABY! So, to celebrate, I bought shoes. Bought my new business casual shoes. They're not exactly what I wanted, because they're heels, but I like the look of 'em and they're surprisingly comfy. Then I got another pair of shoes, since it's all BOGO madness right now. And both were just 15 bucks each to start with so... yeah, I ended up getting 2 nice pairs of shoes for about $25. AND! AND! Four dollars off my next purchase if I do some online survey thingie. You know I will.

I love how I seriously am a size 7 1/2 now. Ever since I bought that pair of Punkrose shoes in a 7 1/2 since that's the only size they had, anything bigger is just too big. Do feet actually shrink? Because I swear to Buddha, I used to be 8 1/2 or 9. Weird.

I like shooooooooooooooooooooes.

Um... work today was hellish. It's like someone is seriously trying to make my last few days as horrible as possible. Ha, so many people are jealous of me leaving. And actually, I'm leaving at the best possible time because starting the week after next, they're going to start making people work for an hour after the store closes, instead of just a half hour. Many unhappy people about that, lemme tell ya. And I'd be pissed too... especially on Sundays, working til 7 when the absolute last bus of the day is at 6:25. Ha. But, at least... not my problem.

Not to say that circumstance at my new job isn't going to be forcing me to walk home, likely often in the dark, on a semi-regular basis. But, you know... I'll deal. I'll need the exercise.

My new job is also probably going to turn me into a raging alcoholic as well. How many times, when I get off from these evening shifts that I'm primiarly gonna get, am I gonna be all like "Hmm... got an hour til the bus... 50,000 bars within a 3 block radius of here..."? Spells trouble.

Speaking of bars, might be going out with Curly Sue this weekend. Oh, Curly Sue. I love her. We were talking, and I said I'd kinda like to go out and celebrate this weekend, and she was all like "Aw yeah, we should go out and celebrate! I really wanna go to [bar that I hate]!" Why do people like that place?! Why why why why why? 7 bucks cover charge at that place on weekends, when the strip bar is only 5 bucks and the gay bar is only 3 bucks. And that 7 bucks just gets you a bar packed with a bunch of assholes and some mediocre cover band. I only had semi-good times at that bar once, and that was the night that I just got soooo wasted that after a while I didn't even know what was going on anymore. So, yeah. But, like, if she wants to go there this weekend, I'll go there with her. Maybe I won't want to kill myself as much as I did on Friday when I was there.

Time to take off these new shoes and go shower. Later.

2007-08-15 at 5:48 p.m.