Party? This Weekend? Lotsa Beer And Girly Drinks And Making Out With Random Strangers At The Bar? Possibly.

So management is apparently wanting my last few days to be as hellish as possible. They tore me away from my beloved Curly Sue today, much to both of our disgust. And they had me in the back with four other people in a teeny tiny little space doing something that DID NOT require five people working on it and... yeah, I pretty much wanted to die all day.

Two more days two more days two more days.

So I'm comtemplating a couple things right now. Like... my new job doesn't know that this job is finished on Thursday. The only reason why I'm starting there on Friday is because they wanted me to get some training out of the way as soon as possible, and that was my next day off. So, as far as they know, I'm carrying out my full two weeks. They do want me to start ASAP, but I'm thinking... should I tell them I'm not totally available until later on next week? Because it would be kinda fun to party it up this weekend, then maybe go to Nutty McShitville for a couple of days afterwards. It's something I'm thinking about. Although rational, honest me wants to just get started with this new job right away. So, I dunno. Thinking.

So Angry Girl, once again, has changed her mind about quitting. AND she's getting back with her asshole boyfriend. Both for about the millionth time. She pisses me off with her bad life decisions. But, I guess, it's her choice.

Dude, I need to do laundry. Sooooooo bad. But I think I've already decided I'm not doing it tonight. I've been cleaning up my apartment a bit and I think I'm going to go for a walk this evening. Laundry can be done tomorrow. Laundry NEEDS to be done tomorrow. For reals.

Ooooh, I got my HBC credit card in the mail today. Me thinks I may perhaps stop off at an HBC-affiliated store before I go home tomorrow and buy something just so that, when the cashier asks "Will this be on your HBC credit card today?" I can be all "Hellz yeah." It will be marvelous.

Oh, the pain. The pain. My life is so strange lately.

2007-08-14 at 7:19 p.m.