Do My Laundry... Buck 25 A Load...

My excuse for not going to work this morning, because I don't like to always use the typical "I'm sick *cough cough*" was that there was a family emergency last night and that I was still in Nutty McShitville this morning. "Family emergency" is so vague. It's not something that anyone with any amount of tactfulness would ask for more details about, unless they were really close to you, and... yeah. I think it worked.

So I've been going back and forth between trying to get stuff done and trying to relax. Neither is going all that well.

I did manage to sleep, on and off, for about 14 hours last night. Thing 1 called me, obviously drunk, at about 11:30 last night and woke me up. She always gets all "I love you, sweetie. You're my best friend and I care about you so much." when she's drunk. It's kinda funny.

I'm so sluggish today. I went out for a bit of a walk today... I'm trying to find myself a napkin holder. My mom claims that she gave me one but... I do not appear to have it. Of course, I also don't have napkins at the moment but... dammit, I want a napkin holder. And some napkins to put it in. The only napkin holder I found at any of the places within walking distance of here is one that also came with salt and pepper shakers. And, um... unnecessary. Because I already own some of those. I just want a napkin holder. Too much to ask? I'll have to look around the Good Mall tomorrow while I'm there. Surely I'll be able to find one there.

And I better get in all my shopping at the Good Mall while I can because... oh, you better believe I'm going to boycott that place altogether for at least a month or so after I'm no longer employed there.

I'm also looking for a nice pair of "business casual" shoes. The ones I wear to work have officially seen better days. And everyone needs a good pair of business casual shoes, I think.

I have about 10 bucks worth of pop cans on my desk. Goddamn, I need to clean my desk. I pretty much live at my desk, so the crap just piles up here. Ugh... so tired, though. Still so tired. Can't do anything. And my god, I need to do laundry. I'm down to my last 2 pairs of underwear... thongs from 40 pounds ago. I shouldn't even technically own these anymore. They do not fit. They are not good. My laundry situation is offically dire.

2007-08-12 at 2:23 p.m.