Does Not Play Well With Others

Yay for writing another entry, like, 3 hours after my last one. But, hey, it's a new day now.

Anyways... should not have gone out tonight. If it's something I don't want to do, I'm not going to have a good time. I didn't want to get drunk, and when I'm not drunk and around people who are drunk... not good, man. And, like, Angry Girl... she doesn't drink anymore. Which you'd think would be great, because I wasn't in the mood for drinking and we could not drink together, but... no. It just wasn't. We were just sitting there at that bar that I hate (which WASN'T helping things any) and I was just like "I need to go home."

And I'm home now.

Hey, so Squinty sent me a message a frickin' week later... he apologised for not getting around to seeing me last weekend. He said it just wasn't a good weekend all around and it just didn't work out for him to see me. And that he doesn't want me to be offended and that he feels bad about the whole thing. Okay, you know... that message right there makes me feel better. I mean, I'm apparently in a really shitty mood this evening and... yeah. That makes it a bit better. I'm still not completely happy about the whole thing, and he could have sent a message apolgizing waaaay earlier than this. But whatever.

Except I'm still totally in a shitty mood. Why did I go out tonight? Why? I didn't want to. I shouldn't have gone. Ugh, what a waste of money and time and sanity.

Thing 1 and this guy who she's obviously just leading on for kicks got sooooo drunk. Horrible horrible. I hope I'm not that obnoxious when I'm drunk... although I know I am.

People really piss me off. Like sometimes, you know... I could go the rest of my life without seeing Angry Girl and Thing 1 and it wouldn't bother me a bit. I think I'm just so ready to move on from them... I gotta admit, I'm not exactly the most loyal friend in the world. I know, with the three of us all quitting and moving on to different jobs, that we're going to drift apart... and I think that's okay. I mean, Thing 1 and Angry Girl are at least still going to be working at the Good Mall, but I won't be. And Lord knows that after a year of practically living at that place, I'm not going to be too eager to go there on a regular basis when I no longer have to.

Hopefully I'll be more in the mood to have some fun tomorrow night. I might not go to work on Sunday... I'll see how I feel. But then, depending on how I feel later on... might not go to work today. We'll see, we'll see.

I kind of acted like a bitch towards everyone tonight. Meh. You know what, though? I kinda am a bitch. So there you go. I think I just needed, and still do need, to be alone for a while.

2007-08-11 at 1:06 a.m.