Booze, Please.

Wooo! I am so George Foreman-ing myself a hamburger right now.

Anyways... I'm bored, yo. This evening I was either going to do something with Thing 1 or Squinty or both and... well, both of them were coming over from the Big City today and... NOT A GOOD TIME FOR TRAVEL, YO. So, yeah, I haven't heard from either one yet. So I dunno what's going on. But whichever one calls me first I'll do something with, because I'm in the mood for doing something.

But then at the same time I'm tired. So if nothing ends up happening, I won't be too terribly disappointed. But still. I feel like doing something right now.

Work today was dumb. At least management has acknowledged my request to not work freakin' 10 days in a row. They were like "Well... I can maybe give you next Friday off if you can work tomorrow..." I'm not working tomorrow. Flat out said that. Next Friday off would be okay, though. But apparently me refusing to work tomorrow makes them not want to give me Friday off. So I dunno what the hell. All I know is one way or another, I'm getting myself a day or two off during that 10 day stretch.

My burger is ready.

Anyways... the new member of management started yesterday, and was there today as well. Um... I dunno. She's the one they finally got to replace the manager that was fired for stealing. So, basically, I guess as long as she doesn't start robbing the store blind, she's an improvement. Although... damn, I miss that manager. When she was there and making the schedules, things were never as fucked up as they've been lately. Oh, another thing that pisses me off about the schedule is when I'm working next Sunday, they have me starting at 10. *sigh* I wrote management yet another note a little while ago, clarifying yet again my hours of availability, due to the buses, and I definitely stated that I cannot start before 10:30 on Sundays. So... I'm gonna be half an hour late that day. And there's nothing they can do about it.

I need a draaaaaaaaaank. I really wanna go out tonight. But, well... I have a bit of a blue alcoholic beverage in my fridge which might mix nicely with a red non-alcoholic beverage I also have... I might need to try it.

That burger was good.

Anyways... my everything hurts. I'm irritated. I need a draaaaaaaaaank. So I'm outta here.

2007-08-04 at 5:38 p.m.