Nothing Like Washing Your Underwear To Start Your Day Off Right

Ho. Leigh. Shit. Whaddaday.

Oh, it started off nice, though. Like... I enjoy my one late shift a week. On the weeks that I get them. Technically I'm supposed to get one a week, doesn't always happen... I'm not gonna say anything, though, because I don't like the late shifts quite THAT much. But, yeah, it's nice because my mornings are always so relaxing. Perhaps even more so than on a day that I have off. Ah, I like it. Only thing was I did indeed end up hand washing some underwear but other than that... good times all around.

Then I got on the bus to go to work and... my god. Um... dunno what was up with that bus driver. We were late leaving the bus exchange and then he turned down the wrong road so ended up circling around and back to the exchange again... then he got out and started talking to someone who was waiting at the stop. Meanwhile I'm having a panic attack, thinking I'm going to be late for work. And... yeah. And later on on the trip the Stop Requested sign was onn for the longest time and he didn't stop at any stops... zoomed by about 5 of them, I think. But no one ran screaming towards the front of the bus, like I had to do that one time, so presumably no one actually had to get off. But man. Are the bus drivers in this town actually getting worse? I've had just so many bad experiences within the past month or so... and before that, the only issue I had with transit was the fact that the schedules suck ass.

Speaking of schedules sucking ass, I was offered a ride home from work this evening so that I didn't have to leave half an hour early to catch my bus. So that was nice, I guess.

Work today sucked. I kept getting in shit from the semi-management person that scares the hell out of me... every time, though, she said "You know, if [the manager who was there] saw this, she'd completely flip out... so I'm just doing this to save you from that." Yeah, except that manager doesn't frighten me to nearly the same degree as she does. Not nearly. So, yeah, I almost cried a bunch of times today. Not good, not good.

Squinty is apparently coming over tomorrow with a group of people. Hmm. He said he'd call me. How many in a group anyhoo? And I still think you gotta be a certain amount of crazy to travel anywhere on a long weekend. But we'll see what happens with this.

Hey, I got approved for an HBC credit card with a whopping $800 limit. Ha. My very first credit card all to myself. My goal in life is to have my own Visa, I'm just working my way up to that with this. Then I can stop using my mom's. Not that I use it that often... mainly because it is my mom's, though, and she wouldn't approve of such things. Also whenever I buy something on it, she always makes some kind of comment to me like "Oh, I see you were at [such and such a place]." Bah.

Gotta work early tomorrow morning... that pisses me off. Almost as much as the fact that I'm now scheduled to work 10 days in a row, starting this Tuesday. So I left a note for management basically saying that I refuse to do such a thing. I mean... 7 days in a row I'll do. I've done it before... I think I did 8 before as well... and it was fuckin' harsh, but I survived. However... 10 days, especially in the state I've been in lately... NO. Just not gonna happen.

Enough of me for now. Laterz.

2007-08-03 at 9:46 p.m.