Oh... Oh, The Pain. THE PAIN!

Hahaha. So seriously, last night I was lying in bed and all of a sudden I bolted upright and was just like "Bruce Springsteen!!!!" I'm so good at predicting what I'm going to do.

And, hey, I finally managed to get Santeria downloaded last night, no thanks to Limewire there. And... yeah. Can you guys understand how pretty man with a guitar and a cool singing voice just all of a sudden jamming out that song was seriously just one of the hottest things ever? Because yes, it was. Officially takes the place of Bam's stirring rendition of Enter Sandman as the greatest personal performance I've experienced. And Santeria isn't even all that great of a song, really. But still! Hot.

Management called me at 9:30 and woke my ass up. "So... you're scheduled to start at 1:30 today... but you can come in at 12:30, if you want." Oh... can I? Well thank you!! Lord knows that's what I need. I don't even give a fuck about the money, I officially think my sanity, at this point in my life, is more important. I'm starting at 1:30. I do not need to spend any more time in that place than necessary. Like, my Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday shifts, the ones where I was supposed to start at 7 and end at 3:30 and I took the liberty of just changing the start times to 8:00 on those days... I'm still gonna leave at 3:30 unless they specifically ask me on each of those days to stay the extra hour. I just hate that place with a fiery passion, and it kills me inside. Absolutely the most brutal, no one trusting anyone else, management hating their employees and employees hating their management, harsh harsh work environment that has ever existed. And the fact that only stupid people shop there doesn't help things any.

Angry Girl called me YET AGAIN last night, and I decided to let her go on to me about it all. It's getting to the point where I personally will hire a hitman to kill her boyfriend, just so she can stop putting herself through this with him. I just... ugh. And I never know what to say to her, so I'm always just like "Uh huh... yeah, that sucks... jeez..." But I guess at this point she just needs to vent more than anything, so... yeah. I just wish she'd vent to someone else, though. And I full out admit that I am not a good friend because I find it hard to tolerate people's bullshit when I think they're just flat out being an idiot, like I think she is.

Anyways... guess I should start thinking about getting ready for my day. Oh, the joy. Talk to y'all later.

2007-07-24 at 10:41 a.m.