I Need To Stop Multiple Long Entries In One Day, You All Are Gonna Lose Interest In Me... If You Haven't Already

Yeah, yet another 2 entry day. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?

Wow, Thing 2 is drunk as a skunk right now, if I can use such an uncool expression. And I don't know why the hell lately she's been showing such an interest in communicating with me... Eh, whatever. Like I've said before, she's a nice girl... she's just awfully damn full of herself and I hold grudges. Anyhoo. Yeah, she's drunk right now, I was just on the phone with her. She got drunk because, get this... she just found out that her ex-boyfriend is bisexual and has been "doing stuff" with guys. Nobody ever has the reaction to that that I would have. I'd be all "Hellz yeah, can I watch?!" because I'm very much like a straight guy loves lesbians when it comes to some hot man on man action, I gotta tell you. But... no. She's all "Oh my god, I turned him gay!" Then she was going on about "Well... I started thinking I must have been bad in bed, so I started asking every guy I've fucked lately if I was and they all told me that I was a fantastic lay, so that must not be it."

Totally totally full of herself. And she was all like "Hey, do you talk to [Bam] anymore?" and I was like "No, I have no idea what the hell is up with him. Do you?" and she's all "No, I don't. All I know is he was having some issues with his mom because they both opened up to me about it, for whatever reason." Poor guy. Loses his job and then... well, the impression that I got from Facebook was that his mom moved out so... jeez. Guy is left alone with an apartment and no job. His life must be fun right about now. I just don't get why he doesn't talk to me anymore, I don't know what I did or didn't do and it bothers the hell out of me. However, I won't dwell on it because when I dwell on things like that I turn into like what I turned into with Herpes Guy and... that just ain't cool, yo.

Oh, and you know that third guy of the evening from a few weeks ago? The one that drunkenly added me on Facebook. How ridiculously hot is his new profile pic? Oh. My. God. Hottest guy I almost had sex with, I gotta say. I totally left him a friendly "Hey, how are you?" message on his wall a little while ago that he never responded to and then, when I was on his profile admiring his new picture just now, I noticed he actually flat out deleted it. Asshole.

Emu is moving soon, Emu does not need Cracktown guys. Emu is going to score herself a rich businessman in the Big City.

Oh hey, I didn't mention in my last entry how Thing 1 actually got kicked out of the second bar we went to last night for, get this... being "silly". That was the excuse they gave her. I don't even know what the hell she was doing, I don't recall her being particularly silly. Then the two of us were outside and when this cab came up, the guy guarding the door of the bar making sure we didn't go back in practically threw us into it. Another reason why last night was not good times.

How determined am I to go out again next weekend, though? Very. I need to have a better time than that. And, well, if I end up having a worse time... I swear (Girl Guide's honour) that I will NEVER go out EVER AGAIN. Well... in Cracktown, at least.

Anyways... I'm coasting on about 3 hours sleep. I need to go to bed. I'm kinda hyper, though, because... yeah. Consumed about 70 litres of caffeinated beverages today.

2007-07-01 at 9:17 p.m.