At Least I'm Not As Stupid As Thing 1...

Um... yeah. I know I say this kind of thing a lot but... I need to stop drinking. BAD NIGHT LAST NIGHT.

Where to begin, where to begin? Um... okay, I believe I officially need to take Herpes Guy's number out of my phone because you better believe that after I had a few drinks in me, I was calling him. Met up with him and shit... he's just not that into me, me thinks. So I need to stop being such a dumb little whore. And, yeah, I drunken text messaged him later on when I was even more drunk... Thing 1 and I left the bar we were at to go to another bar, and he was all like "Yeah, I'll meet up with you there later." but then he didn't. Here's what I said in that text message, good thing my phone saves these things because this morning I was just like "Aw shit, what the hell did I say to him?" Anyways, yeah, I was like "You're an asshole for not getting back to me. For real, I was trying to be cool about this, I wanted to see you again." I read that to Thing 1 this morning and she was just like "Yeah. You need to stop sounding so desperate."

Yeah, so, I swear no matter how goddamn drunk I get, I'm not calling him again.

Met this other guy... this was beautiful, like... Thing 1 thinks she's hot shit. She thinks she's hotter than she actually is. And she was talking to this guy, she was all like "You probably want me, don't you?" and he was like "Actually... I'd be more interested in your friend." Score for me. So he asked for my number and I gave it to him... we talked a little, made out a little and... yeah. But do I remember this guy's name or what he looked like? No. Ha.

Um... then we ended up at the place of that asshole who owes me 50 bucks... I was pretty much not impressed the entire time we were there. That guy is a shit head, for real. And... yeah. Him, his roommate, and Thing 1 all snorted coke. Luckily, there is not a state of extreme drunkenness severe enough for Emu to ever do such a thing. And that was about the time I was just like to Thing 1 "We need to go. We need to get out of here, we need to go" and I just would not shut up until she finally agreed to leave with me.

Then we got back to my place and she was just so coked up. She just kept talking and talking... like, she's a talkative girl to begin with but in my entire life I have never heard anyone talk as much as she then. And I was just so extremely depressed at this time, and her just going off about so much dumb shit because she was so high on coke... I just started crying. And she didn't even realize it for the longest time because she was just going on and on and on. Ugh. Not a good night.

Oh, but you know what I found out? Thing 1 told me this. It was a little pick me up, I guess. I don't feel that great about it now, but at the time I was like "Oh, that's pretty cool." Apparently, Thing 2 told Thing 1 at some time that seriously Bam and his friends, when they first saw me that night at the bar when I first met him and he had recognized me from MySpace, that they all seriously thought I was hot. I dunno if Bam directly told Thing 2 that or if she was just around when they were talking about it but... yeah. But that doesn't matter now because Bam seems to have something against me. But not too often do I actually hear about a large group of attractive young men discussing my hotness. Because, yo, if you could see what I looked like right now... ugh.

Thing 2 is talking to me on MSN wanting to hang out for some unknown reason... ugh. I'm way too depressed and hung over for this.

2007-07-01 at 12:39 p.m.