Buzz Buzz



Anyways, no, actually the alcohol is starting to wear off right now and I'm just feeling more tired than buzzed. But, um... yeah. Good times this evening. Met up with Thing 1 again after she was off work... we were going to go to a pub downtown but then she decided she didn't feel like taking the bus, so we ended up at a pub within walking distance of where I live... Neither of us had been there before and it kinda blew. So then we just went to the liquor store, picked up some stuff, and came back to my place.

We had a few drinks, had some fun, looked at places in the Big City to rent... I need to make some phone calls tomorrow. And, yeah. Then she got a call from this guy... he wanted her to come over, she asked me if I would come with her and I said no but that she should go if that's what she wanted to do, and... yeah. So since then I've just been sitting here buzzing by myself.

Dude, Fireball and Root Beer... not half bad until it starts burning like a motherfucker.

Didn't do a whole lot today. Well, okay... yesterday, technically, since it's after midnight now. Um... bought a Big City newspaper to see what kind of jobs and apartments were available... danced around my apartment like a crazy woman... ate leftover pizza... played around with my webcam (which equals new pics on Facebook... the Diet Pepsi one cracks me up, I truly am a genius)... and, yep. Then I just met up with Thing 1 this evening and now here I am.

Thing 2 is seriously considering moving out of province. Let the banners fly! Seriously, though. Thing 1 is all like "But she can't move! I don't want her to be so far away!" Selfish selfish selfish. I already know the only thing stopping Thing 2 from going is that so many of her friends here don't want her to leave, but I told her that if it's what she wants to do then she shouldn't let anyone stop her. Well that and the fact that I'm totally in support of her being far far away. She's a nice girl but, you know... Emu holds grudges FOREVER.

Don't you ever get on my bad side. For real.

Herpes Guy never texted me back... I'm just going to assume he's in the middle of a forest somewhere. Like, when he called me a couple weeks ago, it was from a different number and he said he was in the middle of a forest, because that's what he does for a living. Forest stuff. And, yeah. Aw dude, both you and I know he's not going to get back to me. Breaks my heart, you know. It really does. But I'm going to hold out some hope for a little bit longer. Silly little me.

Wow, I am TIRED. Bedtime, me thinks.

2007-06-27 at 12:16 a.m.