I Do Not Condone Any Of The Things I Discuss Doing In This Entry

Why does it smell like pot in here?

Oh wait. Nevermind.

I swear, though, pot does NOTHING except make me hungry. Oh, and strangely content. But mostly hungry. Yeah, Thing 1 was over here... I ended up pretty much demanding that we order a pizza. And also insisting that we go out for a nice pub meal tomorrow night. Because, yeah... I hate using the word "stoned" because I don't really get stoned, but when I smoke pot... I pretty much just want to talk about/eat food.

I'm also trying to finish off this Gala Apple Strawberry cider here. It's pretty good. But this is, uh... my 4th drink of the evening, me thinks. Add that with the 3 shared joints and, uh... jeez, 3 menthol cigarettes (me likey...) and... yeah. I'm good to go.

Seriously, menthol cigarettes... like smoking a candy cane. I shit you not.

Um... so Thing 1 called me early this afternoon: "Holy shit, I heard at work that you broke your ankle." First of all, that fuckin' manager has no right to tell ANYONE why I didn't come to work. Secondly... I never said I broke the thing. So I was rather pissed off about it all. Apparently word got around at work that I had broken my ankle and everyone was asking Thing 1 about it, so she ended up calling me on her break. Jeez. Yeah, I broke my goddamn ankle. Brilliant excuse to not come into work, but it's going to be kinda hard to get a legitimate-looking fake cast on in time for my shift on Thursday. Otherwise, yeah, I totally would have gone with the "I broke my ankle" excuse as opposed to the boring "I hurt my ankle" excuse. Broken bones get more sympathy.

Um... I just text messaged Herpes Guy. Because as much as I wish it did not bother me, I just have a feeling I'm going to find it hard to carry on living thinking that this rather sweet innocent man thinks I gave him herpes. 50 bucks says he doesn't respond, though.

My dad joined Facebook. Ha.

So I basically did a whole lot of nothing today. Layed in bed a lot. Oh my god, my new pillows... love 'em. Sooooo nice. And, yeah. Then Thing 1 came over after she was off work and times were had. Now I'm sooo tired. I need to get some sleep because tomorrow I need to make some calls to try and find an apartment for us in the Big City and also... this guy who used to work with us, Thing 1 and I decided it would be great to track him down at his new job and ask him to come party with us some time. So I'm gonna do that too. Good times, good times.

2007-06-26 at 12:05 a.m.