I'll Be A Vegan Later...

So I was hanging out at Thing 1's place this evening. I practically live there now, have you noticed? Well, the pot and liquor flow like water there, so there you go. Except I still maintain that I'm not a huge fan of the Mary Jane. It doesn't make me feel happy and good like alcohol does... it just makes me feel hungry. And I have a hard enough time dealing with hunger as it is.

Speaking of hunger... ate waaaaay too much food today. Waaaay too much. And did I need a Big Mac two days in a row? Um, no. But my stomach certainly thought I did.

I was lazy as hell today too. I wanted to go to the Semi-Good Mall and I was going to walk but just before I left I was like "Fuck it. I'll take the bus." But then I was going to walk home from the Semi-Good Mall, especially after eating that Big Mac I thought it was extremely important that I get a little exercise, but again I was like "Fuck it. I'll take the bus."

So Thing 1 and I were discussing our future. Big City life. She is so so so made for the city. I don't know how she can even exist in a place like Cracktown. Me, though, I'm pretty much adaptable... lived in big cities and tiny-assed little specks called towns, and I can survive in either of those and anywhere in between. Anyways, we kinda decided we'd like to live in the heart of downtown... me because I'm so anti-public transit and would really prefer to have everything within walking distance, and her because she just likes to be ultra-trendy. Only thing is, though, for monetary reasons we'd have to get a one-bedroom apartment to share because there's no way in hell we'd be able to afford a two-bedroom downtown. And a one-bedroom downtown would be just as much if not more than a two-bedroom elsewhere. So we'd convert the living room to a second bedroom. I think this sounds kinda cool.

I have very little doubt, though, that living with Thing 1, even though she's become a very dear friend of mine, will drive me completely insane. She probably won't be home a whole lot, though, simply because she's going to have school and work and many Starbucks... so it should be okay. However, you know, this Big City thing is going to have the same clause that Cracktown had... minimum one year living there and if it's not working out... sayonara. I'll probably move back to Cracktown. Come a year or two me thinks there's going to be much more going on here. It's just right now that it's in the kind of state that absolutely kills my soul.

Anyways, you know what I like to do? And I plan on doing this right now... I like to take a nice hot shower and go straight to bed. Do not pass go, do not collect $200... hell, I barely even dry off. Just straight into bed. *sigh* HEAVEN! Yep, I'm off to do that now. Later, my pets.

2007-06-13 at 12:17 a.m.