Okay, Now Things Are Just Getting Disturbing...

Wow, okay, I just got a horrible phone call from that guy from the last two weekends. "Um... do you have herpes? Because I'm starting to show signs of having herpes and you're the only girl I've kissed in quite a while..." And when I was all like "WHAT?!? No!" and him asking a couple times if I was lying to him, he was all like "Is it possible you were with someone who had herpes and you just didn't know it?" "Um... I dunno... I don't think so..." Then he was all like "Well... I'll call you if it gets worse."

WHAT THE HELL, MAN?! WHAT THE HELL?!!? I really do not think I have herpes... but shit. Well, my entire evening has been ruined now. Because first of all, I'm all paranoid that I have herpes now even though I've shown no symptoms at all. And secondly... dammit, I liked that guy and if he thinks I gave him herpes he probably won't want anything to do with me anymore... And thirdly... well, if I don't have herpes but he does, I don't think I want anything to do with HIM anymore, especially after him blaming me for it...

SERIOUSLY, MY ENTIRE EVENING HAS BEEN RUINED. And he called right when I was talking to my mom on MSN and even though this is typically exactly the kind of thing I DO NOT share with my mother, I was still all like "Um... I just got this phone call from a guy who thinks I gave him herpes..." And my mother, who I know in her little way likes to still believe I'm all innocent and whatnot, is probably now scarred for life.

So today I went out for lunch with Thing 1 and then I went and hung out downtown for a bit by myself. If there's one thing I'm going to miss about Cracktown, it's downtown. Even though Big City has a downtown that is a million times better, at least by normal people's standards. But there's still something about downtown Cracktown that I love. It makes me happy. I love just wandering around... going to the Creepy Mall... you know, the typical downtown Cracktown experience. Aw man. I will miss this.

I was silly enough to wear my beloved Punkrose shoes without socks though and... yeah. Not a good idea. Killed my feet just like they did when I first got them. And speaking of shoes... I was originally going to wear the sandals I wore on Saturday night today but when I was putting them on... dude. One of them is completely ruined. How in the flippin' hell did I manage that? What a night, man.

So. Yeah. Um. Fuck. And all that. Um. Yeah.

2007-06-13 at 5:38 p.m.