The Only Thing That Matters Is The Size Of His Paycheque...

So today at work was the first time that I've really seen Thing 1 since Saturday night (well... Sunday morning, technically) and she got assigned to me to help me out in the back, despite apparently several higher ups thinking it was a bad idea because we'd just chat and get nothing done. So we were told that if we were going to work together that we'd have to keep the talking to a minimum... which is complete crap because everyone who works in the back just talks talks talks all day long but they still get everything done. Pfft. I hate some of the people there.

Anyways, yeah, we talked AND got shit done. She brought up the small penis guy again. "Oh my god, it was so small!" Ha. And, actually, when I re-read that entry it does kind of sound like we were making fun of him to his face... we didn't, though. I was actually quite encouraging towards him at the time. Besides, it's not nice to make fun of someone for something like that. So today I was all like "Well... he was a nice guy. Kinda hot too." and she was like "What?! No he wasn't!" But, yeah, I've been looking at his Facebook pictures and... daaaaaamn. I'd say "Sign me up", except I already kinda was signed up. Ha. The guy lives in Heroin River, though, so he's of absolutely no good to me. Not exactly convenient.

But you know what? He's an engineer. Can you say "MONEY"?!?!?!?! Because I sure can.

I hung out for a bit after work at the mall with Thing 2... *shudder* It's not even the whole "ugly lesbian" thing or the Bam thing anymore it's just... she flat out pisses me off. Thinks she's hot shit. And she's so tiny and cute that it makes me PHYSICALLY SICK. Ha. Seriously. People should not be as tiny and cute as she is. That should be saved for kittens and puppies and stuff.

Oh, and I spent money after work on clothes. I like being able to fit into kids' clothes because they're typically cheaper to begin with, and you don't have to pay the PST. The only thing I couldn't buy in kids would be, like, shoes and pants and stuff. But I did buy some kids shorts and despite them being borderlining on short shorts, they fit bee-yoo-tee-fully. You see lots of skanky looking women wearing shorts like this anyway, so I'd fit right in. I'm just not sure if I have the thighs for it... but then again, neither do most of them.

I have the next 2 days off... but don't ask me what I'm doing, because I don't know. Figure that out later.

2007-06-11 at 5:54 p.m.