So, No One Was Arrested Today...

What a day what a day what a day what a day.

Things are getting even more bizarre at work as more and more people learn about our dear departed manager. The vibe is weird. And we had a staff meeting this morning where management was talking about this... I love how the manager, for the longest time, couldn't even say this other manager's name... she just kept referring to her as "the individual". I thought that was brutal. It's like her name has all of a sudden become a swear word.

And it's funny how many people have just been like "Oh, I wish it could have been one of the other managers." Yeah, well, me too. I mean, we all have our favourite managers and our least favourite managers and this one... she fell in the middle.

Work today was brutal. My 9-3:30 shift became 7:30-4:00... well, more like 7:35 to 4:00 because I explained to management that my bus situation makes me unable to start at 7:30 but goshdarn it, I did my best. It was INSANELY BUSY for a Monday, I barely got anything I needed to do in the back done because I was needed too much out on the floor, and, yeah, like I said the vibe in the store is just brutal. Not a great day.

Aw, but hey... had a visit with one of my friendly blog lurkers. She dropped by a half an hour before I was off, so she offered to take me out for a little snacky-poo then drive me home. And Emu can not turn down such an offer. Anyways, on our way through the mall I walked by and said hi to the always bored and alone Bam and later on I casually mentioned to her that that guy was someone I had been seeing and she was just like "What, Bam?! Ugh, I hate that guy!" Haha. And also let it be known that everyone who reads this diary who has expressed an opinion to me does indeed hate Bam. And she hadn't really gotten a good look at him, so she wanted to walk by him again. Ha. Then on our way out of the mall I saw and chatted briefly with Bam's hot friend... Aw man. I still say sign me the hell up. He fine.

She pointed out this guy who works at the little coffee shop we went to... "He's cute, eh? I don't know him, never talked to him, don't know his name but... he'd be good for you." Too funny. But, yeah, he's not bad... looks a little young for me, but a possibility, I guess. I may be back there...

Mmm. Tortilla chips dipped in ranch salad dressing was a good idea. But I need to stop eating them now.

Uh... so I'm just chillaxin' right now. Waiting for Mouth to come on MSN. If she ever does. And, yeah. Might just watch a movie or something... my mom taped Click for me and gave it to me the last time she was down here because she thought I'd like it, and Mouth has lent me some weird movie I've never heard of... so, yeah, the possibilities are endless here. Good times.

2007-06-04 at 7:19 p.m.