The Yarn Princess... More Like The YAWN Princess. Ha, I Just Made A Funny.

What the hell was that?! I just watched that movie Mouth lent me that she claimed was so good... clearly we have different tastes. Okay, like... there was no swearing, no violence, no nudity, no sex, no man pretty, and no hilarity... therefore it was not worth an hour and a half of my time.

Can someone lend me some money? The Punkrose shoes are talking to me again. They want me to buy them. There's some I want that are kinda similiar to what I already have, but just different enough that I think buying them would be completely justified if I really had the money.

Work today was so bad. Management are idiots. Having one less of them isn't helping their overall intelligence at all. Ugh. I'm looking for a new job. Mouth was saying that now isn't a good time to be leaving because management is already going through a hard time but... you know, fuck 'em. I'm going through a hard time too. My needs before their's, dammit.

Mouth just randomly gave me tampons today. She was all like "I got them free in the mail, you can have them." Ooooookay then. Then she started speculating again that she might be pregnant, so I was like "Oh, okay. So that's why you gave them to me." And she was like "No, I just don't use tampons." Frickin' random. I like free stuff, but I'm not sure if I'm really into this.

So I've been feeling kind of bizarre the last few evenings... enjoying that I've actually had some time to myself, but also really wishing I could be with someone... it's getting annoying. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WANT TO CALL THAT GUY FROM FRIDAY NIGHT?!?! Like... so so so bad. But for all the wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong reasons. Eh... if I go out this weekend at all, maybe I'll call him... Oh god.

[insert a loud scream of frustration right here.]

Um... I have a Punkrose sticker on my chequebook now, this is how hardcore I've become. Me likey the Punkrose. Seriously... several consecutive heart attacks the first time I ever saw Punkrose shoes, and every time since then. I've never been this obsessed with a brand of shoes. And, yeah, I mean I can't really feel justified in buying another pair simply because me stocking up on shoes that are not work appropriate is just not wise. A new pair of work shoes would be nice, though.

Anyways... I'm so bored, but not ready for bed yet. Dunno what I'm gonna do. Bah.

2007-06-05 at 10:02 p.m.