Maybe I'm Not So Alone...

Okay, I'm going to write something then I'm going back to bed because it's way the hell too early for me to be up.

Good times last night with Thing 1. I love that girl. What I love... like, when we're drinking we just start talking about some deep shit and it's just amazing how similiar we are. Like on the surface we seem so different but we have a lot of the same issues. We both have issues with our weight and depression and self esteem and shyness and... hey, as I discovered last night, we both went through years of speech therapy as kids too. Both of us went through early childhood with no one being able to understand anything we said because we couldn't talk properly. That's INSANE. I had no idea about that with her.

And, like, the weight thing... debate away who actually has it harder with that: me, who's been 200+ pounds or her who, at her heaviest, was about what I am now but... she's anorexic, though. Seriously, she is. Like... been hospitalized for it multiple times. And I was telling her about some of my issues lately... like, I don't really talk about it in here because I'm a little bit in denial but alcohol really brings the truth out... I know I'm developing/have already developed an eating disorder. But, yeah, I was telling her some of these things and she was just like "I have a couple books I want you to borrow" and... yeah. I'm looking at them right now... they're eating disorder books. So if a girl with anorexia thinks I may have an eating disorder then... well, jeez.

Also, as what seems to be typical with us... after a bit of drinking, we were both just like "Dammit, we need some pot." We never ended up getting any, but we were just calling anyone we could think of asking "Hey, do you know where we can get some?" It's such a sad state of affairs. And, yeah, I ended up calling Bam. He was all like "Um... it would take a lot of phone calls and a lot of waiting for me to be able to get you some" and I was all like "Well fuck it then, we need some now." Ha. But why is it, in this crazy province where EVERYONE smokes the stuff that no one seems to have a direct connection to it? It makes no sense.

And this is funny... when I stumbled home early this morning I got in to discover that my toilet was running. It must have been running the entire time I was gone and it was LOUD too, like I could hear it out in the hallway. I'm pretty sure my neighbours must hate me. But, you know what... I fixed it. I can't even fix my stupid brokedown toilet when I'm sober, but I remember just taking the top off of the tank, reaching in, doing Lord knows what... and it stopped running. I'm EXTREMELY impressed with myself.

Oh, and I'm pissed about work. I was talking to this girl... she's starting to become a big enough deal to me that I'm going to give her a nickname right now... I was talking to Curly Sue on MSN and... I get this feeling that management wants me to be her and wants her to be me, if you know what I mean. And she's thinking the same thing. They have her doing what I'm supposed to be doing and they have me doing what she's supposed to be doing... it pisses us both off so much. And I'm going to fucking lose it tomorrow at management when I'm in there again. I don't like how they tell her things they're supposed to be telling me and how they have her doing things that I'm supposed to be doing... I have this feeling that they wanted her to get the position I got but since she didn't apply for it, they reluctantly gave it to me. Goddamn, it pisses me off. I need a new job.

Alright, back to bed I go.

2007-05-29 at 7:43 a.m.