Me Likey, Me Hatey

Greatest thing anyone has written on my wall on Facebook, or written anywhere, or said anywhere by anyone ever... "Thank you for who you are." The sweetest most perfect man I've ever known. It's just too bad he LIVES SO GODDAMN FAR AWAY!!!!

Love you, baby.

Anyways... work today. Oh. My. God. You know, the Emu has officially become the person that they'll make do any bullshit job that no one else wants to do. I've just become that person. And it pisses me off. And what pisses me off even more is they had me doing the thing I hate the most today and as it turns out, some hidden spy-like person... some bigwig incognito... came along and was impressed with what I was doing, and told management. So fuccccccccck, now they're probably going to want me to do it more now. Ugh.

Some of the customers that shop at the store... seriously, I'm constantly thisclose to just asking them "Are you for real?" I'm just... like, these people... I dunno. It's like I'm in a cartoon or something.

I have tomorrow off! Let the banners fly. There's always banners flying when I have the day off. I dunno what I'm doing... I kinda wanna go to my Friendly Neighbourhood Smelus Mobility Authorized Dealer and say "Gimme a free cell phone, bitches." Well, since they sent me that letter offering such a deal. My phone is getting sad... it definitely doesn't keep its charge like it used to. And it's so scratched up. And it's just so 2004. Ha. So, yeah. I mean, I probably won't do this tomorrow, it's just something I'm thinking about. Just like I'm thinking about finally buying a pair of those Punkrose shoes already. I shouldn't be spending money, not after how I've lost so much lately, but... damn. I like those shoes.

Bam and I just aren't having the great fantastic MSN conversations that go on for hours anymore. Our spark is dying. Just like how I haven't really seen him at all since... well, I can't remember. I guess I dropped by to see him at work about a week ago and I briefly saw him the day before yesterday, but before that the last time we were together was 2 Saturdays ago. Horrible horrible. Our spark... is dying. If it was ever alive in the first place. Hmm. Well, you know, I keep thinking of that first night we hung out together and... *sigh* So great.

Anyhoos... actually, our MSN convo is picking up slightly again, but I really wanna go for a walk so I might have to cut it short. Ha. Yeah, man, it's pretty outside right now. I WISH I HAD MY DAMN CAMERA. Bah.

2007-05-09 at 7:29 p.m.