I'm A Bad Ass. Can't You Tell From My Hair?

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!

And while I was away, not only did I allow my mother talk me into getting a haircut (which I really desperately needed because my hair is constantly hideous, but was still really hard for me to do), but I also allowed her to give me some really crappy blonde streaks. The haircut is kind of cute... got a little bit of bang action going on (and I haven't had bangs at all since elementary school), and it's really curly, because my hair does that when it's shorter (typically why I don't have my hair too short) but, I dunno, it works. And the streaks... even though 95% of the colour ended up on the top 2 inches of my head and I've already got roots showing because my mom didn't get very close to my scalp, it still kinda looks cool. Mostly when it's in a pony tail, though, because then you can't tell as much that the colour is basically only at the top. And with the extreme curlyness and the bangs over one eye, I have this emo/punk/80s look going on.

You're all jealous. I know you are.

Yep. Well, not a whole lot to report from my time away. I enjoyed myself and spent probably more money than I should have. But that's okay. I bought some new sneakers, and I bought some magical insole things for my work shoes that are supposed to magically make all of my foot pain go away, so we'll see how that goes. My mother is extremely concerned about my feet... "You're too young to have this much trouble with foot pain!" So there you go. My mother influencing expensive purchases on my part.

We ended up driving my dad's out of province sister and her son to the airport yesterday. And we saw Uncle Moneybags and Aunt Fussy at my grandma's house yesterday as well, because they were in town for the day. And, uh... I saw my grandma, of course, and the grandparents... so, yeah, I saw people. And, you know, apparently Cousin Prissy McPriss is going to be moving to Cracktown this fall to go to university here... oh, the joy. Keeping in mind that's extreme sarcasm, of course. She's apparently going to be living in dorms, though, so I don't have to worry about her wanting to be roomies or anything... however, I can't really see her being cut out for dorm life. She's just too... prissy.

And the fact that Cousin Prissy McPriss, who I remember quite vividly from when she was just a little baby, is now about to graduate high school and start university makes me feel old all over the place.

Yep. So... another 5 day work week starts tomorrow. And actually, it's tomorrow that I'm officially in this new position of mine. Officially full time. Officially all sorts of things. Joy.

I need to go pick up a couple groceries. Later, my pets.

2007-04-15 at 3:31 p.m.