Is It Hot In Here Or Is My Shirt On Fire?

So last night I did another working until well after the store was closed shift... still undecided about whether or not I like doing that or not. But, hey, I have another one next week, so I guess I'll have more time to decide. Anyways... it was me and two managers last night. Yeah. I felt... very... small. But it was great because there was some conference thing going on at the mall afterhours last night... I don't even know what it was for, but it was fully catered and as the three of us were leaving we were told we could dig in so we did. They had these mini hamburgers... they were lukewarm but my god! I swear... best thing I've ever tasted in the history of anything.

I think I need new shoes. Or new feet. Or maybe just a new job. Because my feet have been absolutely killing me lately, and they're pretty much pulsating with pain right now. Maybe I should take some of that tax refund and buy me some shoes. They are not work appropriate, but are you familiar with the brand Punkrose? ME WANT. I mean, they're so poser-ish and I'm sure they're meant more for the 14 year old kid than the 22 year old respectable adult but... ME WANT. They are all just so so cool looking.

And is anybody else amused at the fact that I just referred to myself as a "respectable adult"? That just makes me LOL all over the place.

Going home tomorrow! All hail the beautiful land of Nutty McShitville. I'm gonna get my partay on with my best homey... my mother. Dunno what we'll do... probably the same thing we always do when I'm home. I always request a trip to the two fantastic malls that the Greater Nutty McShitville area has to offer. Maybe a quick walk up and down the main street downtown. Go and see my dear sweet grandma who apparently accidently set her shirt on fire today... she wasn't hurt at all, so I'm allowed to laugh myself silly over this. I guess she was leaning over the stove and one of the burners was on and... yeah. Lit her shirt on fire. I'm shocked as hell that I have yet to do this, because I've experienced pretty much every other kitchen mishap there is. I guess my time will probably come too, though. Anyways... yeah. I'm happy about going home tomorrow night. Not happy about the smelly late night bus all the way there, but oh well. It'll be worth it.

Anyways... I'm out.

2007-04-11 at 6:39 p.m.