My Keyboard Has Stopped Moving, Thank God

Alright, second entry of the day... there are all these things from last night that are coming back to me now that I want to share before they totally leave me again.

Angry Girl has filled me in on Thing 2 and what a raging bitch she's suddenly become... like the text messages weren't enough proof of that. I know this isn't possible since we work together and all this but... I just really hope I never have to see her again. What a psycho. But apparently she got a pretty damn good laugh out of calling me an ugly lesbian... like the 7th grader that she is.

While we were at the bar last night, this guy came up to me and said "I'm just leaving, but I saw you dancing and I just had to come over and tell you that you're beautiful and you have the most amazing smile I've ever seen." Then he kissed my hand. Oh my god. So sweet. Emu wants more of this.

I remembered this morning after going to sleep wearing the jeans I was wearing last night that I had spilled beer all over them last night, and that was probably why I reeked so bad. So I got changed. Yeah, I spilled a whole lot of beer on myself. Score one for me.

Angry Girl's aunt called me about half an hour ago, all frantic like... "Where is she?! Why isn't she with you?!" So to calm her down, I ended up giving her the phone number that I think was the number of that guy she went home with and since her aunt didn't call me back, I'm assuming I gave her the right one... Angry Girl apparently called about 15 million different people on my cell phone last night. And I'm not really sure if Angry Girl wanted her aunt to know that she went home with some guy who's not her boyfriend so I think that's another reason why she's going to hate me tomorrow.

I love how hangovers don't seem to really be a problem for me at all. I feel pretty good. Except this can of pop I'm drinking tastes horrible. And I really really want a ham sandwich. Like I'm just absolutely craving a ham sandwich.

Oh, and yesterday afternoon Angry Girl and I went into this "adult" store and laughed ourselves silly. We're just so mature, apparently.

I don't normally do this but... I had some extra money I made last month, and the way my system works if I have extra money and the month ends, that's it. That money is officially savings, and I cannot spend it. I am money smart. However... I've watched Borat so many times that I've completely fallen head over heels for Sacha Baron Cohen, so I went out and bought the complete series of Da Ali G Show. And my god. So funny. This guy... he's a damn genius. For real.

Anyways... I just looked in the mirror and, despite feeling okay, I definitely look like I was run over by a truck. However, I think I will just ignore that and go out anyway in search of that ham sandwich I so desperately need.

Happy Easter, y'all.

2007-04-08 at 10:48 a.m.