But I'm Out Of My Head When You're Not Around...

So I heard the song Out Of Touch by Hall & Oates at work today and I became pretty damn convinced that I needed to download it and listen to it 15 times straight after I got home. So I did. You know... if Hall & Oates have ever recorded a bad song, I've yet to hear it. And this song in particular is catchy as hell.

So today was the day that management was going to decide about that position and I'm pretty sure that they have indeed decided, but I was told today that they weren't going to announce it until tomorrow because the other girl who was trying for it wasn't working today. However, in response to my "What?! But I'm dying here!" reaction, management said "Don't worry about it" and smiled at me. Now, I don't want to read too far into that, but... yeah.

Work today went by FAST. Faster than Saturday even. And not just because today was a shorter shift. I could have been at work for 10 hours, and it probably still would have just felt like a couple. I love being busy. Oh my god. I mean, it's stressful too because sometimes management just throws a shitload of things at you to do and it's chaotic trying to get it all done but I LOVE IT when the day flies by. It's so satisfying.

So I made KD for supper, then I just finished cooking and peeling some hard boiled eggs, and after this I'm going to make some tuna salad... I feel like a goddamn domestic goddess over here. Because this is about as domestic as I ever get... considering most of the time I'm too lazy and uninspired to even microwave myself a Pizza Pop. My mother would be thrilled to bits and proud as hell if I ever started actually cooking real food but... meh. Give me time, I'm sure it'll happen eventually.

There's two parties this weekend that I've been invited to, and I've given a strong "maybe" to each one in response to whether or not I'm coming... so it'll be all good. Thing 2 just needs to figure out when and where the hell her birthday party is going to be, though. I was talking to her today about it and she was still like "Yeah. I have no idea. All I know is I'm having one." Ha. And as for the other party, I'm still trying to figure out if I even own anything that's blue...

Know what I love? Tea. I think I'm going to make myself some right now. I recommend you do the same.

2007-03-19 at 6:51 p.m.