Emu Needs A New Pair Of Shoes! Literally.

I'm back. I'm sad. It's ridiculous.

Didn't do much this morning... basically just packed all my stuff up again and waited for my mom to get home from work. Then we went over to my Grandma's one last time, and Uncle Moneybags and Aunt Fussy were over there. I don't recall the last time I actually saw those two, so me thinks it's been quite a while. It was Uncle Moneybags' birthday yesterday too. Sharing a birthday with my richest uncle has always been beneficial. He said he mailed me a card, which hasn't arrived yet, but is giving me something to look forward to. I like mail.

Then my mom took me to the bus depot and the bus brought me to Cracktown where I then had to hustle my ass several blocks in a limited amount of time with my heavy awkward suitcase-like thing to catch the bus. The bus to Cracktown ended up getting here a bit earlier than scheduled, so I was just barely able to catch an earlier bus home but I really did have to scramble like hell to get to the bus stop. It was quite the sight, I'm sure.

Now I'm home. And I'm tired. I work tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday with Sunday off, then I work Monday through Friday. After my 5 days off, this sounds unbelieveably brutal.

So, I had good times while I was home. I don't really like writing in here via e-mail, though. I do believe I will declare that as an experiment that failed. I just went and changed the times from the entries that I e-mailed in back to normal, and I saw that the title for my last entry had been cut off so I had to fix that. Also I just didn't have the same vibe going on while e-mailing the stuff... thought it would be good, but it really wasn't. So I'll likely go back to just not writing in here whenever I'm at the 'rents place. Like anyone really cares. I'm probably the only person who does.

But, yeah, good times all around. It was so nice to hang out with the cats again. Spend time with my mom. And, hell, it was even nice to see my dad, although the guy needs a haircut. He officially has a fro going on now. It is quite ridiculous. I did my taxes using my parents' tax software, although it hasn't been sent yet because of the problems they're having... my mom's going to try sending it for me tomorrow. But I found out how much of a refund I'm getting, and it's beautiful. I will go shopping. And I will be happy.

Oh, and I never mentioned this... on my birthday someone from work called me asking if I was still looking for a roommate. Nevermind the fact that I never really was looking for a roommate. But I was like "Well, not really... but I'm keeping my options open." So she was like "Oh, okay then. Well, nevermind." A little weird. And I also feel kind of bad about the whole thing. I would have listened to whatever she had to say about that, though. Oh well.

2007-03-14 at 7:12 p.m.