money Money MOney MONey MONEy MONEY!

So. That place called me back shortly after my last entry, and I ended up with a job interview this morning before I went to work. Not only would this job be 40 hours a week, which is about 10 to 15 more than I'm getting now, it would also pay 7 bucks an hour more than my current job. I don't know if I'd like the job but I also don't think I care because.. my god. That would solve all my money problems. I don't really know if I have a hope in hell but... well, we'll see.

Sometimes I think my mother doesn't know me very well. She sent me one of those "How well do you know me?" surveys to fill out about her, then she filled it out about me and... yeah. I mean, maybe I was completely off course with her's as well but... yeesh. Also I'm a little hurt, I wrote her an e-mail last night telling her how I got this job interview, and I thought she'd write back saying "Oh, I hope it goes well. I'm pulling for ya!" or something encouraging, but all she said was "Don't forget to bring your tax forms when you come home." Ooookay.

And yes, that will be part of my 5 day long birthday celebration... doing my taxes. My parents got one of those income tax computer programs... not that my taxes are so complicated that I really need something like that. Although I do have about 50 T4s from all the jobs I had in 2006. Well, okay... only 4. But still. No human being should have 4 different jobs in one year. But yet I did.

I'm tired. Today was about 5 years long. For reals.

Wow. I really don't know what else to say. I'm zoning out here. So tired. Maybe I should go to bed. Then off to Nutty McShitville tomorrow. Yay. And stuff.

2007-03-09 at 9:50 p.m.